Padapillo (Edicin en espaol)

Padapillo (Edicin en espaol)

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La pequea Bridget acta de forma extraa y nadie parece darse cuenta, excepto su hermana mayor. Ella se da cuenta de todo. Cuando el resto de su familia se da cuenta por fin de que Bridget ha estado ignorando el mundo que la rodea e inventando palabras extraas, esto conduce a un diagnstico sorprendente que nadie vio venir.

En esta conmovedora historia, narrada por la atenta, aunque incrdula, hermana mayor, se nos conduce a travs de un misterio y el proceso emocional de la vida real que los miembros de la familia suelen experimentar cuando a un nio pequeo se le diagnostica inesperadamente una prdida auditiva.

Little Bridget is acting strangely and no one seems to notice-except her older sister. She notices everything. When the rest of her family finally realize that Bridget has been ignoring the world around her and inventing weird words, it leads to a startling diagnosis no one saw coming. In this touching story, narrated by the attentive, yet incredulous, older sister, we are led through a mystery and into the real-life emotional process family members often experience when a young child is unexpectedly diagnosed with hearing loss.

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