En este libro, Daniela Merchant Careaga brinda las fases fisiolgicas de un plan de alimentacin para mujeres embarazadas y las que amamantas, as como para el beb hasta su primer ao de vida. Describe paso a paso y con ejemplos cmo calcular los requerimientos energticos y nutricionales para disear este plan. In this book, Daniela Merchant Careaga provides the physiological phases of a feeding plan for women during pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as for the baby during its first year. She provides step by step instructions and examples to teach readers how to calculate energy and nutritional requirements during each phase.
En este libro, Daniela Merchant Careaga brinda las fases fisiolgicas de un plan de alimentacin para mujeres embarazadas y las que amamantas, as como para el beb hasta su primer ao de vida. Describe paso a paso y con ejemplos cmo calcular los requerimientos energticos y nutricionales para disear este plan. In this book, Daniela Merchant Careaga provides the physiological phases of a feeding plan for women during pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as for the baby during its first year. She provides step by step instructions and examples to teach readers how to calculate energy and nutritional requirements during each phase.