Nuevas Evidencias Cientficas de la Existencia de Dios / New Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God
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Mucho se ha dicho acerca de la incompatibilidad de la ciencia y la religin. La creencia de que una invalida la otra ha estado presente durante aos. Y sin embargo, segn avanza la tecnologa, la sociedad y la cultura, esta nocin pierde fuerza: nunca como en esta primera mitad del siglo XXI ha habido tantas pruebas cientficas de la existencia de un Creador. En este libro, Jos Carlos Gonzlez-Hurtado muestra todas las pruebas que apuntan a Dios. Sin embargo, este no es un libro de religin. Haciendo hincapi en los grandes descubrimientos actuales con un estilo gil y riguroso, el autor invita a la reflexin y el dilogo y expone en estas pginas la respuesta a la que probablemente sea la cuestin ms trascendental a la que podemos enfrentarnos. Best seller instantneo gracias a las deslumbrantes explicaciones que ofrece de temas como el Big Bang, la segunda ley de la termodinmica, las leyes de la naturaleza o los descubrimientos de la gentica, Nuevas evidencias cientficas de la existencia de Dios ya se han convertido en el libro del que todo el mundo habla. «No existe ningn conflicto entre ser un cientfico riguroso y una persona que cree en Dios . Francis Collins, director del Proyecto Genoma Humano ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Here is the book you need to challenge atheists and agnostics to defend their ideologies logically and rationally and to fortify your own beliefs. In this distinctive book, which draws from all fields of science, Jos Carlos Gonzlez-Hurtado presents a preponderance of empirical evidence for theism in a way that you can easily understand and explains how atheism twists reality to justify its view by "selective skepticism." This thoroughly documented incisive work will strengthen your view of the existence of God, regardless of your beliefs about evolution or lack of religious affiliation. Gonzlez-Hurtado explains how the majority of mathematicians and scientists who are remembered for remarkable discoveries in mathematics, physics, quantum mechanics, chemistry, cosmology, biology, and more were theists -- and he provides many of their accounts. In these enlightening pages, you will find: - How the Second Law of Thermodynamics, cited by Albert Einstein as the most important, points to God
- Answers about the Big Bang Theory, evolution, and other much-debated questions
- How NASA explorers confirmed the standard cosmological argument
- Ways in which mathematical theorems, statistics, and probabilities indicate God's existence
- Twenty constants that allow us to exist, and seven aspects of St. Anselm's ontological argument for God
- How St. Augustine's words were verified by science In addition, Gonzlez-Hurtado illustrates why string theory and multiverses are best left for Hollywood movies, how verified results in cosmic microwave background and other observations verify the creation of the universe, and how multiple attempts to support the "theory of the bouncing universe" are disproved. Although the science behind a Necessary Being is irrefutable, a small but vocal number of scientists refuse to accept the evidence. Some oppressive regimes have gone so far as to persecute or kill those who espouse cosmology, but Hurtado exposes these crimes and debunks their illogical thinking. You will learn the difference between creationism and Intelligent Design and what it really means to live by Darwinian laws. As even Stephen Hawking admitted, "The universe has not always existed; on the contrary, the universe, and time itself, had a beginning with the Big Bang." "A valuable contribution to the reflection on the relationship between science and religion, presenting very sound arguments with abundant documentation and a casual style that makes for an enriching and gratifying read." --Fernando Sols, professor of condensed matter physics, Complutense University of Madrid
Mucho se ha dicho acerca de la incompatibilidad de la ciencia y la religin. La creencia de que una invalida la otra ha estado presente durante aos. Y sin embargo, segn avanza la tecnologa, la sociedad y la cultura, esta nocin pierde fuerza: nunca como en esta primera mitad del siglo XXI ha habido tantas pruebas cientficas de la existencia de un Creador. En este libro, Jos Carlos Gonzlez-Hurtado muestra todas las pruebas que apuntan a Dios. Sin embargo, este no es un libro de religin. Haciendo hincapi en los grandes descubrimientos actuales con un estilo gil y riguroso, el autor invita a la reflexin y el dilogo y expone en estas pginas la respuesta a la que probablemente sea la cuestin ms trascendental a la que podemos enfrentarnos. Best seller instantneo gracias a las deslumbrantes explicaciones que ofrece de temas como el Big Bang, la segunda ley de la termodinmica, las leyes de la naturaleza o los descubrimientos de la gentica, Nuevas evidencias cientficas de la existencia de Dios ya se han convertido en el libro del que todo el mundo habla. «No existe ningn conflicto entre ser un cientfico riguroso y una persona que cree en Dios . Francis Collins, director del Proyecto Genoma Humano ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Here is the book you need to challenge atheists and agnostics to defend their ideologies logically and rationally and to fortify your own beliefs. In this distinctive book, which draws from all fields of science, Jos Carlos Gonzlez-Hurtado presents a preponderance of empirical evidence for theism in a way that you can easily understand and explains how atheism twists reality to justify its view by "selective skepticism." This thoroughly documented incisive work will strengthen your view of the existence of God, regardless of your beliefs about evolution or lack of religious affiliation. Gonzlez-Hurtado explains how the majority of mathematicians and scientists who are remembered for remarkable discoveries in mathematics, physics, quantum mechanics, chemistry, cosmology, biology, and more were theists -- and he provides many of their accounts. In these enlightening pages, you will find: - How the Second Law of Thermodynamics, cited by Albert Einstein as the most important, points to God
- Answers about the Big Bang Theory, evolution, and other much-debated questions
- How NASA explorers confirmed the standard cosmological argument
- Ways in which mathematical theorems, statistics, and probabilities indicate God's existence
- Twenty constants that allow us to exist, and seven aspects of St. Anselm's ontological argument for God
- How St. Augustine's words were verified by science In addition, Gonzlez-Hurtado illustrates why string theory and multiverses are best left for Hollywood movies, how verified results in cosmic microwave background and other observations verify the creation of the universe, and how multiple attempts to support the "theory of the bouncing universe" are disproved. Although the science behind a Necessary Being is irrefutable, a small but vocal number of scientists refuse to accept the evidence. Some oppressive regimes have gone so far as to persecute or kill those who espouse cosmology, but Hurtado exposes these crimes and debunks their illogical thinking. You will learn the difference between creationism and Intelligent Design and what it really means to live by Darwinian laws. As even Stephen Hawking admitted, "The universe has not always existed; on the contrary, the universe, and time itself, had a beginning with the Big Bang." "A valuable contribution to the reflection on the relationship between science and religion, presenting very sound arguments with abundant documentation and a casual style that makes for an enriching and gratifying read." --Fernando Sols, professor of condensed matter physics, Complutense University of Madrid