La nueva msica clsica es una exploracin personal y profunda sobre el rock: la revolucin musical que comenz en los aos cincuenta con el rock 'n' roll, le dio la vuelta al mundo en los sesenta montada en los hombros de los Beatles y transform para siempre la msica popular con las experimentaciones del movimiento hippie, ms los que le siguieron. Esta crtica-crnica, hoy tan clsica como la msica sobre la que reflexiona, fue escrita por Jos Agustn en dos versiones, ambas con el mismo ttulo y el mismo objetivo ―examinar a detalle la esencia de la msica―, pero separadas por el tiempo: la primera en 1968, en el auge de la dcada dorada del rock, y la segunda en 1985, cuando su permanencia en el gusto universal estaba ms que asegurada. Con esta edicin integral, revisada y complementada, celebramos la msica como vehculo de expresin artstica y a Jos Agustn como un autor visionario. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "Many of us felt in those moments that something big was brewing: a series of great musicians were transforming a popular music genre in a high-power vehicle... but in Mexico, only Jos Agustn saw it and wrote about it with unbelievable clarity. He was ahead of his time." --Alberto Blanco, from the prologue
New Classical Music is a personal and profound exploration about rock: the music revolution that began in the nineteen fifties with rock'n'roll, circled the globe in the nineteen sixties on top of The Beatles, and transformed popular music forever with the experimentations of the hippie movement and those that followed. This review/commentary, a classic today as the music it reflects on, was written by Jos Agustn in two versions, both under the same title and with the same purpose--to thoroughly examine the essence of music--but separated by time: the first in 1968, at the peak of the golden decade of rock, and the second in 1985, when its permanence in universal taste was more than assured. With this complete edition, revised and complemented, we celebrate music as vehicle of artistic expression and Jos Agustn as a visionary author.
La nueva msica clsica es una exploracin personal y profunda sobre el rock: la revolucin musical que comenz en los aos cincuenta con el rock 'n' roll, le dio la vuelta al mundo en los sesenta montada en los hombros de los Beatles y transform para siempre la msica popular con las experimentaciones del movimiento hippie, ms los que le siguieron. Esta crtica-crnica, hoy tan clsica como la msica sobre la que reflexiona, fue escrita por Jos Agustn en dos versiones, ambas con el mismo ttulo y el mismo objetivo ―examinar a detalle la esencia de la msica―, pero separadas por el tiempo: la primera en 1968, en el auge de la dcada dorada del rock, y la segunda en 1985, cuando su permanencia en el gusto universal estaba ms que asegurada. Con esta edicin integral, revisada y complementada, celebramos la msica como vehculo de expresin artstica y a Jos Agustn como un autor visionario. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "Many of us felt in those moments that something big was brewing: a series of great musicians were transforming a popular music genre in a high-power vehicle... but in Mexico, only Jos Agustn saw it and wrote about it with unbelievable clarity. He was ahead of his time." --Alberto Blanco, from the prologue
New Classical Music is a personal and profound exploration about rock: the music revolution that began in the nineteen fifties with rock'n'roll, circled the globe in the nineteen sixties on top of The Beatles, and transformed popular music forever with the experimentations of the hippie movement and those that followed. This review/commentary, a classic today as the music it reflects on, was written by Jos Agustn in two versions, both under the same title and with the same purpose--to thoroughly examine the essence of music--but separated by time: the first in 1968, at the peak of the golden decade of rock, and the second in 1985, when its permanence in universal taste was more than assured. With this complete edition, revised and complemented, we celebrate music as vehicle of artistic expression and Jos Agustn as a visionary author.