No Te Rindas / Don't Give Up

No Te Rindas / Don't Give Up

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Cmo debemos afrontar las dificultades y frustraciones que se presentan en nuestra vida? Podemos aprender de nuestros propios fracasos? Cmo adaptarse a los cambios?

De una forma amena y prctica, No te rindas nos ensea a encarar de manera positiva las adversidades, miedos y dudas que nos asaltan en nuestro da a da, convirtindolos en un impulso para crecer y lograr nuevas metas.

- La felicidad no depende de la realidad, sino de la interpretacin que hacemos de esta.

- La madurez afectiva es la capacidad de dar y recibir amor.

- Solo quien encuentra un sentido a su vida puede gozar de la existencia y realizarse plenamente.

- No es ms sabio el que menos se equivoca, sino quien ms aprende de los errores.

- Controlando los pensamientos negativos podemos modificar las emociones.

Organizado en doce grandes temas --uno para cada mes del ao-- que giran en torno al amor, la familia, el trabajo, la cultura y la amistad, este libro compone un original almanaque en el que el prestigioso psiquiatra Enrique Rojas nos transmite sus sabios consejos y nos acompaa de manera lcida y cercana en las batallas que debemos librar en el arte del vivir cotidiano para conquistar la felicidad y la realizacin personal.


How should we deal with the difficulties and frustrations that arise in our lives? Can we learn from our own failures? How to adapt to changes?

In an enjoyable and practical way, No te rindas (Don't Give Up) teaches us to face adversities, fears and doubts that assail us in our daily lives in a positive way, turning them into an impulse to grow and achieve new goals.

- Happiness does not depend on reality, but on the interpretation we make of it.

- Affective maturity is the ability to give and receive love.

- Only those who find meaning in their lives can enjoy existence and fulfill themselves fully.

- It is not the wiser who makes the least mistakes, but the one who learns the most from mistakes.

- By controlling negative thoughts we can modify emotions.

Organized into twelve major themes - one for each month of the year - that revolve around love, family, work, culture and friendship, this book composes an original almanac in which the prestigious psychiatrist Enrique Rojas transmits his wise advice and accompanies us in a lucid and close way in the battles that we must fight in the art of daily living to conquer happiness and personal fulfillment.

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