No Se Trata de Mi: Rescatados de una Vida Que Creiamos Nos Haria Felices = It's Not about Me = It's Not about Me

No Se Trata de Mi: Rescatados de una Vida Que Creiamos Nos Haria Felices = It's Not about Me = It's Not about Me

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No se trata de m Rescatados de una vida que creamos nos hara felices es una pausa agradable, necesaria y esclarecedora para todo cristiano, especialmente para aquel que ha quitado o no ha tenido a Cristo en el centro de su vida. Esta valiosa lectura, del gran autor Max Lucado, se plantar en el corazn y la mente del lector para recordarle el verdadero propsito de todo y guiarlo a vivir una vida centrada en Dios. Si deseamos una vida verdaderamente feliz y en paz, necesitamos este cambio de enfoque. Incluye:

  • Contenido simple y claro.
  • Experiencia de lectura refrescante y esclarecedora.
  • Ancdotas y analogas.
  • Frases resaltadas para reflexionar.
  • Gua de estudio.
  • Citas Bblicas: la Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960), la Nueva Versin Internacional (NVI).

It's Not About Me: Rescue from the Life we Thought Would Make us Happy

It's Not About Me: Rescue from the Life we Thought Would Make us Happy is a pleasant, necessary and enlightening pause for every Christian, especially for those who have removed or never had Christ be the center of their life. This valuable book, from the great author Max Lucado, will be planted in the heart and mind of the reader to remind them of the true purpose of it all and guide them to live a God-centered life. If we want a truly happy and peaceful life, we need this change of focus. It includes:

? Simple and clear content.

? Refreshing and enlightening reading experience.

? Anecdotes and analogies.

? Highlighted phrases to reflect on.

? Study guide.

? Scripture quotes: la Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960), la Nueva Versin Internacional (NVI).

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