La Nia del Sombrero Azul / The Blue Hat Girl

La Nia del Sombrero Azul / The Blue Hat Girl

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Un homenaje a todas aquellas mujeres que siempre lucharon por seguir adelante.

Tan real como la vida misma, tan inolvidable como ellas.

Por la autora del best seller Las herederas de la Singer.

Gijn, verano de 1929. Con apenas diecisiete aos, Manuela entra a trabajar como criada en la mansin de los marqueses de Armayor. Rodeada de un lujo que contrasta con la pobreza de su aldea natal, la joven conocer la arrogancia y el desamor, pero tambin el arte de la costura, al tiempo que entablar una amistad inquebrantable con la nica heredera de la familia, Alexandra.

Aos despus, y pese a pertenecer a mundos muy distintos, su amiga ser su mayor apoyo cuando la Guerra Civil obligue a Manuela a separarse de su hija Telva, enviada a Rusia junto con otros nios de la zona republicana, y tambin cuando intente recuperarla dcadas ms tarde, aunque para ello deba arriesgarlo todo.

La aoranza de Telva, un destino en ocasiones desalmado y una gran historia de amor marcarn la vida de Manuela. Una vida que se extender a lo largo de un siglo convulso y lleno de contrastes, magistralmente reflejado por Ana Lena Rivera en las pginas de esta novela que se lee con la emocin a flor de piel.


A tribute to all those women who have always fought to keep moving forward.

As real as life itself; as unforgettable as them.

By the bestselling author of The Singer Heiresses.

Gijon, summer of 1929. At barely seventeen years of age, Manuela starts working as a maid at the Marquis of Armayor's manor. Surrounded by luxury, in heavy contrast with her poor native village, this young woman will know arrogance and heartbreak, but also the art of sewing, all the while engaging in an unbreakable friendship with the sole heiress of the family, Alexandra.

Years later, and despite belonging to very different worlds, her friend will be her biggest support when the Civil War forces Manuela to part from her daughter Telva, sent to Russia along with other children from the republican side, and also as she tries to get her back, decades later, though she must risk everything to do so.

The longing for Telva, a sometimes-heartless fate, and a great love story will mark Manuela's life. A life that extends over a convulsive and contrasting century, brilliantly mirrored by Ana Lena Rivera in the pages of this novel, read with vivid emotion.

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