Una coleccin sobre los primeros hbitos con tres pequeos protagonistas y palabras rimadas para susurrar al odo de nuestro beb como una dulce cancin de cuna. El protagonista es un pequeo tigre y su padre que le acompaa a la hora de cenar. A collection about the first habits with three little protagonists and rhymed words to whisper in our baby's ear like a sweet lullaby. The protagonist is a small tiger and his father who accompanies him at dinner time.
Una coleccin sobre los primeros hbitos con tres pequeos protagonistas y palabras rimadas para susurrar al odo de nuestro beb como una dulce cancin de cuna. El protagonista es un pequeo tigre y su padre que le acompaa a la hora de cenar. A collection about the first habits with three little protagonists and rhymed words to whisper in our baby's ear like a sweet lullaby. The protagonist is a small tiger and his father who accompanies him at dinner time.