"Es una novela que quiero que lean mis hijos. Diego Paszkowski relata de manera entraable un ritual de pasaje tan poderoso como laico: el de la primaria a la secundaria (...), un ritual que marca ms que los bar mitzvah o primeras comuniones. Con la misma sabrosa diferencia que hay entre ver una foto de granos de caf y oler el perfume del caf recin molido, as se lee esta novela. Se la lee y se vuelve por aquellos pasillos tan vividos" . Luis Pescetti Contada con gran detalle, Un mundo nuevo ofrece una rica visin desde el punto de vista de un adolescente. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "It's a novel that I want my children to read. Diego Paszkowski endearingly recounts a ritual of passage as powerful as it is secular: that of primary to secondary school (...), a ritual that marks more than bar mitzvah or first communions. With the same tasty difference between seeing a photo of coffee beans and smelling the perfume of freshly ground coffee, this is how this novel reads. It is read and returned through those corridors so vivid." Luis Pescetti Told in rich detail, Un mundo nuevo ( A New World ) offers rich insights from a young adolescent point of view.

"Es una novela que quiero que lean mis hijos. Diego Paszkowski relata de manera entraable un ritual de pasaje tan poderoso como laico: el de la primaria a la secundaria (...), un ritual que marca ms que los bar mitzvah o primeras comuniones. Con la misma sabrosa diferencia que hay entre ver una foto de granos de caf y oler el perfume del caf recin molido, as se lee esta novela. Se la lee y se vuelve por aquellos pasillos tan vividos" . Luis Pescetti Contada con gran detalle, Un mundo nuevo ofrece una rica visin desde el punto de vista de un adolescente. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "It's a novel that I want my children to read. Diego Paszkowski endearingly recounts a ritual of passage as powerful as it is secular: that of primary to secondary school (...), a ritual that marks more than bar mitzvah or first communions. With the same tasty difference between seeing a photo of coffee beans and smelling the perfume of freshly ground coffee, this is how this novel reads. It is read and returned through those corridors so vivid." Luis Pescetti Told in rich detail, Un mundo nuevo ( A New World ) offers rich insights from a young adolescent point of view.