UNA OBRA MAESTRA DE LA ESPIRITUALIDAD QUE SIGUE SIENDO DE LECTURA OBLIGADA EN NUESTROS DAS Como psicoterapeuta tradicional, el doctor Brian Weiss qued asombrado y escptico cuando una de sus pacientes comenz a recordar traumas de vidas pasadas que parecan ser la clave de sus pesadillas y ataques de ansiedad recurrentes. Sin embargo, su escepticismo se desvaneci cuando ella comenz a canalizar mensajes desde el "espacio entre vidas", que contenan revelaciones notables sobre su familia y su hijo fallecido. Mediante la terapia de regresin, pudo curar a la paciente y embarcarse en una nueva fase ms significativa de su propia carrera y de su vida. Este libro sigue siendo tan provocador y atemporal como lo fue cuando se public por primera vez: es nico, revolucionario y profundamente conmovedor, pues contiene importantes mensajes de sabidura y de conocimiento. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONThe true story about a psychiatrist, his young patient, and a regression therapy that changed their lives forever. It is a meeting point between science and metaphysics. Dr. Brian Weiss, head of psychiatry at the Mount Sinai hospital in Miami, narrates in this his first book, the astounding events that change his life and his vision of what is psychotherapy. Catherine, one of his patients, while under hypnosis was able to find many of her past lives and there, found the origins of various of the traumas that she was currently going through. Catherine was cured, but something even more important happened: she managed to get in touch with the Masters, higher spirits that live in between two lives; they passed down important messages of wisdom and knowledge to her. This deeply moving story and a meeting point between science and metaphysics, was an extraordinary best seller and continues to be a must-read in a troubled world, especially for those who seek spiritual guidance.
UNA OBRA MAESTRA DE LA ESPIRITUALIDAD QUE SIGUE SIENDO DE LECTURA OBLIGADA EN NUESTROS DAS Como psicoterapeuta tradicional, el doctor Brian Weiss qued asombrado y escptico cuando una de sus pacientes comenz a recordar traumas de vidas pasadas que parecan ser la clave de sus pesadillas y ataques de ansiedad recurrentes. Sin embargo, su escepticismo se desvaneci cuando ella comenz a canalizar mensajes desde el "espacio entre vidas", que contenan revelaciones notables sobre su familia y su hijo fallecido. Mediante la terapia de regresin, pudo curar a la paciente y embarcarse en una nueva fase ms significativa de su propia carrera y de su vida. Este libro sigue siendo tan provocador y atemporal como lo fue cuando se public por primera vez: es nico, revolucionario y profundamente conmovedor, pues contiene importantes mensajes de sabidura y de conocimiento. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONThe true story about a psychiatrist, his young patient, and a regression therapy that changed their lives forever. It is a meeting point between science and metaphysics. Dr. Brian Weiss, head of psychiatry at the Mount Sinai hospital in Miami, narrates in this his first book, the astounding events that change his life and his vision of what is psychotherapy. Catherine, one of his patients, while under hypnosis was able to find many of her past lives and there, found the origins of various of the traumas that she was currently going through. Catherine was cured, but something even more important happened: she managed to get in touch with the Masters, higher spirits that live in between two lives; they passed down important messages of wisdom and knowledge to her. This deeply moving story and a meeting point between science and metaphysics, was an extraordinary best seller and continues to be a must-read in a troubled world, especially for those who seek spiritual guidance.