Messinico: Lionel Messi: La Verdadera Historia del Mejor / Messianic: Lionel Me Ssi: The Real History of the Worlds Best

Messinico: Lionel Messi: La Verdadera Historia del Mejor / Messianic: Lionel Me Ssi: The Real History of the Worlds Best

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Lionel Messi ha vuelto a ser feliz. Y para qu jugar al ftbol si no es para ser feliz? Con cuatro Champions League, la Copa Amrica 2021, el rcord de goles de un jugador para una seleccin sudamericana y el pase al PSG, el mejor futbolista del planeta ya le haba insuflado nueva vida a su carrera, pero ahora adems ha conquistado el nico gran trofeo que le faltaba: la Copa del Mundo.

Para conocer y comprender a esta figura extraordinaria, Sebastin Fest y Alexandre Juillard recorrieron el mundo: de Qatar a Brasil, pasando por Sudfrica, Alemania, China, Suiza, Rusia, el Reino Unido y, por supuesto, Espaa y Argentina. Hablaron con su familia, con quienes lo vieron crecer en Rosario y Barcelona, con sus compaeros de equipo, con los responsables de su preparacin fsica, con sus exrepresentantes y mdicos, con los periodistas que lo siguen obsesivamente y con sus rivales.

Messinico desmenuza las razones futbolsticas que hacen de Messi un jugador nico, pero tambin las disputas entre los agentes y la familia, algunos mitos de su historia oficial, el papel de Antonela, el polmico manejo de su fortuna y su imagen, y esta nueva y gloriosa etapa despus de su gran triunfo con la seleccin argentina.

Una biografa completa y reveladora, con aspectos desconocidos e intimidades inesperadas de una vida y una carrera inigualables. Un personaje que en lo ms alto de su recorrido se ha abierto al mundo y que, por encima de todo, ha recuperado la alegra y hoy se divierte y divierte jugando al ftbol.


Lionel Messi is happy again. Why else would he keep playing soccer? With four Champions League victories, Copa Amrica 2021, the record for goals scored for a South American national team, and a transfer to PSG, the world's best soccer player had already breathed new life into his career even before winning the last big trophy missing from his collection: the World Cup.

To learn more about and understand this extraordinary athlete, Sebastin Fest and Alexandre Juillard traveled the world, from Qatar to Brazil, South Africa, Germany, China, Switzerland, Russia, the United Kingdom and, of course, Spain and Argentina. They spoke with family members who watched him grow up in Rosario and Barcelona, his teammates, trainers, former agents and physicians, the reporters who dog his steps, and opposing players.

Messianic analyzes the reasons that make Messi a great player, but also the disputes between his agents and his family; the myths that have become part of his official story; the role of his wife, Antonela; the controversial handling of his image and fortune; and the latest glorious phase in his career following his big win with Argentina's national team.

A complete and surprising biography that reveals new and unexpected facets of a unique life and career. A figure who, at the peak of his powers, has opened up to the world and, most important, rediscovered the joy of the game.

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