Las Mejores Tcnicas Para Hablar En Pblico / The Best Techniques for Public Spe Aking
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Tiene en sus manos, amable lector, el mejor curso de oratoria publicado hasta el momento, un curso fcil de seguir, que lo llevar paso a paso por el difcil arte de hablar en pblico hasta hacer de usted un orador respetable. Con este libro usted aprender a vencer el pnico escnico, a sacar provecho de su natural nerviosismo, en beneficio de la emotividad de su discurso. Conocer todos los recursos de que se valen los buenos oradores para convencer, agradar y persuadir al auditorio. Son tcnicas probadas desde los tiempos ms remotos y perfeccionadas a lo largo de la historia. Texto til para todo curso de oratoria, comunicacin y relaciones humanas, recomendado para maestros y alumnos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION This is one of the best public speaking courses published to date; is an easy-to-follow read that guides you step-by-step through the difficult art of public speaking.
You have in your hands the best public speaking course published to date, an easy-to-follow guide that will take you step-by-step through the difficult art of public speaking until you become a respectable speaker. With this book, you will learn to overcome stage fright and take advantage of the body's natural nervousness and anxiety--which adds emotion to your speech. You will also learn about the resources public speakers use to convince, please, and persuade the audience. The techniques within this book have been tested since the most remote times and perfected throughout history. Useful text for all public speaking, communication, and interpersonal relations courses. Recommended for teachers and students.
Tiene en sus manos, amable lector, el mejor curso de oratoria publicado hasta el momento, un curso fcil de seguir, que lo llevar paso a paso por el difcil arte de hablar en pblico hasta hacer de usted un orador respetable. Con este libro usted aprender a vencer el pnico escnico, a sacar provecho de su natural nerviosismo, en beneficio de la emotividad de su discurso. Conocer todos los recursos de que se valen los buenos oradores para convencer, agradar y persuadir al auditorio. Son tcnicas probadas desde los tiempos ms remotos y perfeccionadas a lo largo de la historia. Texto til para todo curso de oratoria, comunicacin y relaciones humanas, recomendado para maestros y alumnos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION This is one of the best public speaking courses published to date; is an easy-to-follow read that guides you step-by-step through the difficult art of public speaking.
You have in your hands the best public speaking course published to date, an easy-to-follow guide that will take you step-by-step through the difficult art of public speaking until you become a respectable speaker. With this book, you will learn to overcome stage fright and take advantage of the body's natural nervousness and anxiety--which adds emotion to your speech. You will also learn about the resources public speakers use to convince, please, and persuade the audience. The techniques within this book have been tested since the most remote times and perfected throughout history. Useful text for all public speaking, communication, and interpersonal relations courses. Recommended for teachers and students.