Seras capaz de arriesgarlo todo por salvar un mundo que no es el tuyo?
Cuando Meesh defendi Monte Magma no imagin que tendra que salvar otro mundo aparte del suyo. Descubri que su destino era ser la Guardiana, y aunque imaginaba que tendra que pelear contra algn villano de poca importancia de vez en cuando, la amenaza de una nueva catstrofe la sorprendi por completo. El tiempo se agota, el desastre se acerca y an queda por descubrir al enemigo detrs de todo esto.
Meesh es una mala demonia y debe ser la mejor guardiana.
Poco a poco aprende a usar su nuevo poder mientras crece como cualquier persona de su edad. Sin embargo, tendr que apurarse a dominar sus habilidades como Guardiana, porque hay un desastre al acecho. Alguien est destruyendo los bosques de Ponderosa y construyendo una rara mquina que parece un peligro an mayor que la deforestacin.
En compaa de Nouna, Meesh no slo tendr que salvar un mundo que no es el suyo, sino, sobre todo, averiguar quin es su misterioso enemigo y qu tantos secretos esconde.
Would you be able to risk everything to save a world that is not yours?
When Meesh defended Magmamount, he did not imagine that he would have to save another world besides his own. She discovered that her destiny was to be the Guardian, and although she imagined that she would have to fight some minor villain from time to time, the threat of a new catastrophe completely surprised her. Time is running out, disaster is approaching, and the enemy behind it all has yet to be discovered.
Meesh is an evil demon and must be the ultimate guardian.
She slowly learns to use her newfound power as she grows up like anyone her age. However, she'll have to hurry up to master her skills as a Guardian, because there's disaster lurking. Someone is destroying the forests of Ponderosa and building a rare machine that seems like an even greater danger than deforestation. In the company of Nouna, Meesh will not only have to save a world that is not her own, but, above all, find out who her mysterious enemy is and how many secrets he hides.