Mapas Corporales: Historias, Relatos Y Conceptos Que Nos Atraviesan / Body Maps. Stories, Tales, and Ideas That Come Through Us
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Despus de su libro No son micro. Machismos cotidianos, Erndira Derbez y Claudia de la Garza regresan con Mapas corporales, en el que proponen una aproximacin a distintas partes del cuerpo en diversas culturas y pocas para poner en entredicho esas normas sociales que nos han construido durante aos para, precisamente, desmantelarlas y poder resignificar cada una de estas inscripciones. De esta forma, Mapas corporales se convierte en una cartografa en la que podemos viajar, encontrar ancdotas sobre la nariz, el pelo o las piernas, cuya imposicin del "deber ser" queda desmantelada y nos invita a una reflexin ms profunda de los estereotipos que nos rodean. Un libro que nos recuerda que toda narrativa puede ser reinventada. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONS "When we speak of the body in terms of territory, we mean it as a space shocked by several issues, a place where a series of norms and cultural discourses that fracture it and determine its regions and boundaries are inscribed, maps to read ourselves and read other people." After their book It Is Not Micro. Everyday Male Chauvinism, Erndira Derbez and Claudia de la Garza return with Body Maps, where they introduce an approximation to different parts of the body in various cultures and throughout different times to call into question those social norms constructed over the years, precisely to dismantle them and redefine each of those inscriptions. This way, Body Maps becomes a cartography for our travels, to find anecdotes about the nose, the hair, or the legs, and the imposition of what "ought to be" is dismantled, inviting us to reflect far beyond the stereotypes around us. A book to reminds us all narratives can be reinvented.
Despus de su libro No son micro. Machismos cotidianos, Erndira Derbez y Claudia de la Garza regresan con Mapas corporales, en el que proponen una aproximacin a distintas partes del cuerpo en diversas culturas y pocas para poner en entredicho esas normas sociales que nos han construido durante aos para, precisamente, desmantelarlas y poder resignificar cada una de estas inscripciones. De esta forma, Mapas corporales se convierte en una cartografa en la que podemos viajar, encontrar ancdotas sobre la nariz, el pelo o las piernas, cuya imposicin del "deber ser" queda desmantelada y nos invita a una reflexin ms profunda de los estereotipos que nos rodean. Un libro que nos recuerda que toda narrativa puede ser reinventada. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONS "When we speak of the body in terms of territory, we mean it as a space shocked by several issues, a place where a series of norms and cultural discourses that fracture it and determine its regions and boundaries are inscribed, maps to read ourselves and read other people." After their book It Is Not Micro. Everyday Male Chauvinism, Erndira Derbez and Claudia de la Garza return with Body Maps, where they introduce an approximation to different parts of the body in various cultures and throughout different times to call into question those social norms constructed over the years, precisely to dismantle them and redefine each of those inscriptions. This way, Body Maps becomes a cartography for our travels, to find anecdotes about the nose, the hair, or the legs, and the imposition of what "ought to be" is dismantled, inviting us to reflect far beyond the stereotypes around us. A book to reminds us all narratives can be reinvented.