La autora que ha enamorado a ms de un milln de lectores.
Y si te diesen un mapa para descubrir quin eres?
Seguiras la ruta marcada hasta el final?
Imagina que ests destinada a salvar a tu hermana, pero al final ella muere y la razn de tu existencia se desvanece. Eso es lo que le ocurre a Grace Peterson, la chica que siempre se ha sentido invisible, la que nunca ha salido de Nebraska, la que colecciona palabras y ve pasar los das refugiada en la monotona. Hasta que llega a sus manos el juego de El mapa de los anhelos y, siguiendo las instrucciones, lo primero que debe hacer es encontrar a alguien llamado Will Tucker, del que nunca ha odo hablar y que est a punto de embarcarse con ella en un viaje directo al corazn, lleno de vulnerabilidades y sueos olvidados, anhelos y afectos inesperados.
Pero es posible avanzar cuando los secretos comienzan a pesar demasiado? Quin es quin en esta historia?
The author who has captivated more than a million readers.
What if you were given a map to find out who you are?
Would you follow the marked route to the end?
Imagine that you are destined to save your sister, but in the end she dies and the reason for your existence vanishes. That's what happens to Grace Peterson, the girl who has always felt invisible, the one who has never left Nebraska, the one who collects words and watches the days go by taking refuge in monotony. Until she gets her hands on the game of The Map of Longings and, following the instructions, the first thing she must do is find someone named Will Tucker, whom she has never heard of and who is about to embark with her on a journey straight to the heart, full of vulnerabilities and forgotten dreams, unexpected longings and affections.
But is it possible to move forward when secrets begin to weigh too much? Who's who in this story?