Mamut / Mammut

Mamut / Mammut

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Eva Baltasar cierra el trptico sobre la vida y los deseos de tres mujeres con una novela animal sobre una joven que abandona la ciudad para instalarse en una casa aislada.

La protagonista de Mamut es una chica arcaica atrapada en la vida moderna. Su hbitat es la ciudad, donde trabaja para vivir. Quiere ser madre, y esto la obliga a acercarse a los hombres Cmo resistir el hormiguero humano si tienes instinto de cazador solitario?

Un da abandona la ciudad, cambia de entorno y se convierte en la duea de una casa completamente aislada. All solo estn el pastor, la soledad y bestias que te alimentan o te amenazan. El instinto trabaja, la conciencia se altera y se gesta una transformacin.

Esta no es una novela ms sobre la huida al campo, esto es una bomba de relojera sobre las llagas de la sociedad contempornea, una narracin in crescendo que alla a merced de esta novelista salvaje que es Eva Baltasar.


Eva Baltasar closes this trilogy about the lives and desires of three women, with this beast of a novel about a young woman who leaves the city to settle in an isolated house.

Mammut's protagonist is an old-fashioned girl trapped in modern life. Her habitat is the city, where she works in order to survive. She wants to become a mother, and this forces her to have to approach men. How can you resist the human hustle and bustle if you have the instinct of a lone hunter?

One day she leaves the city, changes her entire environment, and buys a completely isolated house in the countryside. There, you can find only the sheepherder, solitude, and beasts that either feed you or threaten you. Instinct works, consciousness is altered, and a transformation takes place.

This is not just another novel about fleeing to the countryside, this is a ticking time bomb about the wounds and lesions of contemporary society, a narrative in crescendo that howls at the mercy of this wild novelist that is Eva Baltasar.

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