La Magnificencia del 3, 6 Y 9 / The Grandeur of 3, 6, and 9
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Cmo un profesor de fsica y un idol famoso lograron enamorarse? Gracias a una rata mascota. Namoo es un afamado idol que, ante los ojos de cualquiera, tiene la vida perfecta: una carrera en ascenso, fanticas que lo idolatran y un departamento en el barrio ms exclusivo de Sel. Sin embargo, de un da a otro, su carrera queda destruida tras golpear a un desconocido en una tienda de conveniencia. Y todo por culpa de una rata escondida en un bolsillo. Minwoo es un profesor de fsica desempleado y un apasionado de la astronoma que, adems, est obsesionado con los nmeros 3, 6 y 9. Es, tambin, el dueo del ratn responsable de destruir la carrera del artista Lee Namoo. Ahora Namoo deber limpiar su nombre y para ello tendr que buscar al responsable de todos sus problemas y pedirle ayuda, el ms grande de los favores. Pero podr entenderse con alguien que solo sabe hablar de fsica, que tiene una mascota horrible y no quiere su dinero? ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The first standalone novel by bestselling author Lily del Pilar. How did a physics teacher and a famous idol fall in love? Thanks to a pet rat. Namoo is a renowned idol who, in everyone's eyes, has the perfect life: a skyrocketing career, adoring fans, and an apartment in Seoul's most exclusive neighborhood. However, his career is destroyed overnight after hitting a stranger in a convenience store. And all because of a rat hidden in someone's pocket. Minwoo is an unemployed physics teacher and an astronomy enthusiast who is also obsessed with the numbers 3, 6, and 9. He is also the owner of the mouse responsible for ruining Lee Namoo's career as an artist. Now Namoo has to clear his name, and for that, he must find the person responsible for all his misfortunes and ask for help, the biggest favor of all. But can he get along with someone who only talks about physics, has a terrible pet, and doesn't want his money?
Cmo un profesor de fsica y un idol famoso lograron enamorarse? Gracias a una rata mascota. Namoo es un afamado idol que, ante los ojos de cualquiera, tiene la vida perfecta: una carrera en ascenso, fanticas que lo idolatran y un departamento en el barrio ms exclusivo de Sel. Sin embargo, de un da a otro, su carrera queda destruida tras golpear a un desconocido en una tienda de conveniencia. Y todo por culpa de una rata escondida en un bolsillo. Minwoo es un profesor de fsica desempleado y un apasionado de la astronoma que, adems, est obsesionado con los nmeros 3, 6 y 9. Es, tambin, el dueo del ratn responsable de destruir la carrera del artista Lee Namoo. Ahora Namoo deber limpiar su nombre y para ello tendr que buscar al responsable de todos sus problemas y pedirle ayuda, el ms grande de los favores. Pero podr entenderse con alguien que solo sabe hablar de fsica, que tiene una mascota horrible y no quiere su dinero? ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The first standalone novel by bestselling author Lily del Pilar. How did a physics teacher and a famous idol fall in love? Thanks to a pet rat. Namoo is a renowned idol who, in everyone's eyes, has the perfect life: a skyrocketing career, adoring fans, and an apartment in Seoul's most exclusive neighborhood. However, his career is destroyed overnight after hitting a stranger in a convenience store. And all because of a rat hidden in someone's pocket. Minwoo is an unemployed physics teacher and an astronomy enthusiast who is also obsessed with the numbers 3, 6, and 9. He is also the owner of the mouse responsible for ruining Lee Namoo's career as an artist. Now Namoo has to clear his name, and for that, he must find the person responsible for all his misfortunes and ask for help, the biggest favor of all. But can he get along with someone who only talks about physics, has a terrible pet, and doesn't want his money?