Lit (Life Ignition Tools): Enciende Tu Cerebro, Alumbra Ideas Y Lnzate a la Acc In / Life Ignition Tools

Lit (Life Ignition Tools): Enciende Tu Cerebro, Alumbra Ideas Y Lnzate a la Acc In / Life Ignition Tools

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Un mtodo sencillo y radical con el que activar un estado mental de alto rendimiento, concentracin y creatividad, para dar forma a la vida que realmente quieres.

Por el director del laboratorio de innovacin en Ingeniera Biomdica de Harvard, Jeff Karp.

Cmo puedes lograr un mayor rendimiento mental y creatividad en un mundo lleno de distracciones, de fechas lmite constantes, de tiempo perdido en las redes sociales y de un bombardeo de noticias que te provoca ansiedad?

En LIT, el innovador investigador de Harvard y del MIT, Jeff Karp, ha encontrado una poderosa manera de alcanzar un estado mental ms enfocado y eficaz con la ayuda de sus siete herramientas para el encendido vital (Life Ignition Tools).

LIT te ensear a:

*Examinarte interiormente y conectar con lo que es verdaderamente importante para ti.

*Visualizarte desde fuera para actuar consecuentemente, conectando con los dems y con diferentes formas del saber.

*Romper con patrones de pensamiento habituales y decidir activamente en vez de apresurarte a dar respuestas que te mantienen en tu zona de confort.

*Lidiar con los mltiples inputs sensoriales y la sobrecarga de informacin a los que estamos sometidos actualmente.

*Estimular la creatividad y el entusiasmo en tu lugar de trabajo.

*Reconocer discursos manipulativos que nos pueden hacer tomar la direccin equivocada.

*Integrar tu vida espiritual en tu vida personal para reparar y profundizar tus relaciones.

te quitar el piloto automtico y te ayudar a permanecer alerta, presente en el momento y comprometido con tu vida, en un estado agudode consciencia de ti mismo que te empujar a la curiosidad, conexin y energa necesarias para tener la vida que realmente quieres.


Radically simple experimental tools to help anyone tap into a high-energy brain state to fire up innovative potential and shape their lives with intention--by the founder of a Harvard biomedical engineering innovation lab.

In an age of convenience and information overload, it's easy to go through the motions, pressured, distracted, and seeking instant gratification rather than harnessing our potential for meaningful and impactful lives. When we're accustomed to a low energy brain state and lulled by the comfort zone it creates, it's difficult to rouse ourselves to act with intention and create the lives we truly want to lead.

In LIT, Jeff Karp, Ph.D., professor at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and biotech innovator, helps us look to nature as a vital source of humankind's best wisdom, most inspired action, and greatest good.

Diagnosed with learning differences at a young age, he persisted through nearly insurmountable struggles with support from his mom in developing ways to achieve hyper-awareness and maximize decisions based on his curiosity, passion, creativity, and connection to nature. As a student at McGill University and at the University of Toronto, as a researcher at MIT, and as a professor at Harvard Medical School, he evolved these approaches into LIT (Life Ignition Tools) --and road-tested these tools daily in his own personal life and with his lab team to innovate medical discoveries inspired by the "problem solving" process they find throughout the natural world.

LIT teaches us to:

- turn inward and connect with what is truly important to us

- turn outward to act on that, connecting with others and different ways of knowing

- question assumptions--break out of habitual thinking and other patterns to discover what really serves you best

- navigate multiple streams of sensory input and manage information overload

- recognize manipulative messaging that can throw us off course

- explore, experiment and discover fresh approaches to old challenges

- intercept routine patterns to actively think and decide versus just jumping in with habitual responses.

LIT takes us off autopilot and helps us stay alert, present, and fully engaged in our lives.

Dr. Karp also shares insights from some of the world's most accomplished people, including Nobel Prize winners, the founder of an Indigenous wellness center, a visionary photographer, a social justice activist, a five-time US memory champion, an Olympic medalist, a neurosurgeon who founded a center for compassion, and numerous professors, inventors, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and members of his laboratory--all creatives in their own ways.

Using Dr. Karp's principles, anyone can redirect their lives with energy, focus, creativity, motivation, intention, and impact to create the lives they truly want to lead. Learning to be lit is the ultimate renewable energy and is accessible to everyone, anytime, wherever you are.

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