En esta aventura, Nacho intenta rescatar a Perro Negro durante una excursin escolar que lo hace enfrentar sus propias enfermedades. No ser el nico. La Llorona, que en realidad es la guardiana del ro, le ayudar con la magia de una poderosa lgrima que atrae las tormentas y emociona hasta al ms autocontrolado.
Una reinterpretacin del tradicional folclore latinoamericano de demonios y monstruos en el que La Llorona es una aliada del protagonista.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In this adventure Nacho tries to rescue Black Dog during a school field trip that makes him face his own insecirities. He won't be alone. La Llorona, who is in reality the guardian of the river, will help him with the magic of a powerful tear that attracts storms and makes even the most self-controlled emotional.
A reinterpretation of the traditional Latin American folklore of demons and monsters in which La Llorona is an ally of the protagonist.