Libre de Culpa / Guilt-Free

Libre de Culpa / Guilt-Free

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Dos vctimas, la misma arma homicida, ningn motivo. El crimen perfecto?

Justo antes de incorporarse a la polica de North Yorkshire, la detective Kate Linville decide aprovechar su ltimo fin de semana libre para ir al spa que sus compaeros de Scotland Yard le han regalado en su despedida.

Kate est sentada en el tren, de camino a su destino, cuando aparece una chica perseguida por un hombre con una pistola. La rpida intervencin de la detective desva la trayectoria de la bala, pero el desconocido huye.

Das despus, una profesora tiene un accidente con su bicicleta de montaa por culpa de un alambre colocado en el camino. La joven cae al suelo y, posteriormente, se oye un disparo. El examen de los cartuchos incautados en ambos sucesos demuestra que el arma utilizada es la misma. La polica est convencida de que los dos incidentes estn relacionados y que incluso podran ser obra de la misma persona, pero estas dos mujeres no se conocan, no existe ningn vnculo aparente entre ellas. O s?

Kate Linville se hace cargo de inmediato del caso sin saber que su vida corre peligro.


Two victims, the same murder weapon, no motive. The perfect crime?

Just before joining the North Yorkshire Police, Detective Kate Linville decides to make the most of her last weekend off and go to the spa that her colleagues from Scotland Yard have given her as a farewell gift.

Kate is sitting on the train, on her way to her appointment, when suddenly a girl appears. A man holding a gun is chasing her. The detective intervenes quickly and deviates the trajectory of the bullet, but the stranger flees.

Days later, a teacher has an accident riding her mountain bike because of a wire placed on the road. The young woman falls to the ground and, later, a gunshot is heard. An examination of the cartridges seized in both events shows that the weapon used was the same. The police are convinced that the two incidents are related and could even be the work of the same perpetrator, but since these two women did not know each other, there is no apparent connection between them. Or is there a connection?

Kate Linville immediately commits to the case, not knowing that her life is in danger.

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