Kalambu. Primera Partida / Kalambu. First Round

Kalambu. Primera Partida / Kalambu. First Round

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Bienvenido a Kalambu: has respondido a la llamada.

Un desafo por jugador.
Un peligro, una gema.
Puede que uno de ellos se alce victorioso al final de la partida, o quizs no.
Puede que todos sobrevivan para contarlo.
O quizs no.
Si se quedan en el juego, sern eternos.

A Greta le est costando integrarse en su nuevo colegio. A veces siente que el nico lugar seguro es el bao. Y precisamente all escondida encuentra un extrao dispositivo que la transporta a un juego mgico y misterioso.

Aunque Greta no entiende nada, los dems jugadores, Nomeolvides, Savannah, Cosmo y Gato, s parecen saber qu est pasando.

Cuando comienza la partida, no le queda ms remedio que adaptarse. La aventura es ms peligrosa de lo que aparenta y sus consecuencias van ms all de los lmites del juego.

Conseguir Greta salir ilesa del mundo misterioso en el que se ha metido?


Welcome to Kalambu: you have answered the call.

One challenge per player.
One danger, one gem.
Perhaps one of them will emerge victorious at the end of the game, or maybe not.
Maybe they will all survive to tell the tale.
Or maybe not.
If they stay in the game, they will be eternal.

Greta is struggling to fit in at her new school. Sometimes she feels like the only safe place is the bathroom. And it is precisely there that she finds a strange device hidden that will transport her to a magical and mysterious game.

Although Greta doesn't understand anything, the other players, Nomeolvides, Savannah, Cosmo, and Gato, do seem to know what's going on.

When the game begins, she has no choice but to adapt and try to fit in. However, the adventure is more dangerous than it appears, and its consequences go beyond the limits of the game.

Will Greta manage to emerge unscathed from the mysterious world she has entered?

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