Inteligencia Artificial: El Nuevo Cerebro Electrnico / Artificial Intelligence

Inteligencia Artificial: El Nuevo Cerebro Electrnico / Artificial Intelligence

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Nadie puede negar que estamos viviendo la era de la inteligencia artificial: est en nuestros telfonos, computadoras, cuentas bancarias, vehculos, electrodomsticos... y la lista sigue y sigue, pues es un hecho que la IA contina expandindose en cada rincn. Sin embargo, de todo lo que se ha dicho sobre ella y con todo lo que se encuentra en internet, parece mentira que an existan vacos informativos que se llenan con especulacin.

Paola Villarreal, una de las cien mujeres ms influyentes del mundo segn la BBC y creadora de «Data for Justice , explica en esta obra todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la IA: qu es, cmo lleg al mundo, a dnde va, cunto nos beneficiamos con ella, y lo ms importante: nos sustituir algn da?


No one can deny that we are living in the age of artificial intelligence: it is in our phones, computers, bank accounts, vehicles, appliances... and the list goes on and on, as it is a fact that AI continues to expand in every corner. However, from everything that has been said about her and with everything that is found on the internet, it seems incredible that there are still information gaps that are filled with speculation.

Paola Villarreal, one of the hundred most influential women in the world according to the BBC and creator of "Data for Justice", explains in this book everything you need to know about AI: what it is, how it came into the world, where it goes, how much we benefit from it, and most importantly: will it ever replace us?

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