Nearly every day we read about a violent act of Islamic extremism against Christians. What is it really like to live as a Christian among Muslims? And how can the stories of our brothers and siters in other countries challenge us?
This companion guide to the I Am N 6-session DVD challenges us to examine our lives in light of the stories of persecuted Christians. Each theme of the DVD - sacrifice, courage, joy, perseverance, forgiveness, and faithfulness - is explored through discussion and reflection questions for individuals or groups. This faith-inspiring guide gives you hope in a God whose love shines no matter what darkness you face.
Esta gua complementaria del DVD de 6 sesiones titulado Yo soy N nos desafa a examinar nuestra vida a la luz de las historias de cristianos perseguidos. Cada tema del DVD (sacrificio, valenta, gozo, perseverancia, perdn y fidelidad) se puede explorar individualmente o en grupo a travs de preguntas de conversacin y reflexin. Esta gua inspiradora de fe te ofrece esperanza en Dios, cuyo amor brilla sin importar la oscuridad que enfrentes.