I Am N Participant's Guide/Yo soy N, Gua del participante: We will not let our brothers and sisters suffer in silence, nor will we let them serve alo

I Am N Participant's Guide/Yo soy N, Gua del participante: We will not let our brothers and sisters suffer in silence, nor will we let them serve alo

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Nearly every day we read about a violent act of Islamic extremism against Christians. What is it really like to live as a Christian among Muslims? And how can the stories of our brothers and siters in other countries challenge us?

This companion guide to the I Am N 6-session DVD challenges us to examine our lives in light of the stories of persecuted Christians. Each theme of the DVD - sacrifice, courage, joy, perseverance, forgiveness, and faithfulness - is explored through discussion and reflection questions for individuals or groups. This faith-inspiring guide gives you hope in a God whose love shines no matter what darkness you face.

Casi todos los das leemos sobre un acto violento de extremistas islmicos contra los cristianos. Cmo es para un cristiano vivir entre musulmanes? Y cmo pueden desafiarnos las historias de nuestros hermanos que viven en otros pases?

Esta gua complementaria del DVD de 6 sesiones titulado Yo soy N nos desafa a examinar nuestra vida a la luz de las historias de cristianos perseguidos. Cada tema del DVD (sacrificio, valenta, gozo, perseverancia, perdn y fidelidad) se puede explorar individualmente o en grupo a travs de preguntas de conversacin y reflexin. Esta gua inspiradora de fe te ofrece esperanza en Dios, cuyo amor brilla sin importar la oscuridad que enfrentes.

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