Honor, Estudio Y Amor a Dios. Memorias

Honor, Estudio Y Amor a Dios. Memorias

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Paperback (Large Print)

Miguel A. (Mike) Fernndez Chardiet nos cuenta su vida en estas pginas, coloquialmente, como si estuviera sentado con cada lector, en la mesa hogarea, compartiendo un caf. No se trata de la vida tpica de lo que se ha dado en llamar un triunfador, la clsica y un tanto estereotipada vida del exiliado o el inmigrante que a base de esfuerzos y sacrificios logra adquirir un alto status econmico y social en los Estados Unidos. Algo de eso hay aqu, desde luego, pero todo est enriquecido por las vivencias familiares y polticas que forjaron su vida y su manera de ver la vida, en su Cuba natal, la triste Cuba maltratada, primero, por la dictadura de Batista, y crucificada despus por la tirana de los Castro. Qu creencias, qu valores, qu principios forjaron el carcter de este hombre que comenz estacionando automviles en Miami Beach y termin presidiendo para toda Latinoamrica, uno de los gigantes de las finanzas a nivel mundial? Todo ello est en esta autobiografa, por cuyas pginas desfilan tambin notabilsimos personajes, algunos de los cuales tejieron partes importantes de la historia del siglo XX. En fin de cuentas, una vida capaz de marcar el rumbo para quienes aspiren a vivir la suya en paz con Dios y consigo mismo.


Miguel A. ("Mike") Fernndez Chardiet tells us his life in these pages, colloquially, as if he were sitting with each reader, at the home table, sharing a coffee. This is not the typical life of what has been called "a winner", the classic and somewhat stereotyped life of the exile or the immigrant who, through efforts and sacrifices, manages to acquire a high economic and social status in the United States. Joined. There is something of that here, of course, but everything is enriched by the family and political experiences that shaped his life and his way of seeing life, in his native Cuba, the sad Cuba mistreated, first, by the Batista dictatorship, and later crucified by the tyranny of the Castros. What beliefs, what values, what principles forged the character of this man who began parking cars in Miami Beach and ended up presiding over all of Latin America, one of the giants of finance worldwide? All of this is in this autobiography, through whose pages very notable characters also parade, some of whom wove important parts of the history of the 20th century. In the end, a life capable of setting the course for those who aspire to live theirs in peace with God and with themselves.

Paperback (Large Print)
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