Hijos del Neoliberalismo / Children of Neoliberalism

Hijos del Neoliberalismo / Children of Neoliberalism

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Esta es la historia contempornea de nuestro Mxico saqueado.

Todo comenz en los aos ochenta, cuando el pas se debata en una crisis econmica sin precedentes y opt por abrazar el modelo neoliberal como tabla de salvacin. Una promesa de modernidad y prosperidad que, al intentar reducir la intervencin estatal en la economa, dej un rastro de intereses pblicos pisoteados.

Ana Lilia Prez cuenta esta historia y desenmascara a los personajes que la moldearon: lderes polticos, funcionarios cmplices, herederos de la lite burocrtica y empresarios sin escrpulos. Al mismo tiempo, adentra al lector en las artimaas del saqueo: concesiones manipuladas, recursos desviados, reformas estructurales fraudulentas y privatizaciones que no beneficiaron sino a una minora.

En su pugna por el poder, dice la autora, los polticos de distintos partidos se acusan mutuamente de la «destruccin del pas, evadiendo as las responsabilidades que los gobiernos emanados de sus filas dejaron como legado. Su memoria selectiva tiene un nico propsito: mantener o recuperar sus privilegios. Con esta intencin, hablan de un pas que nunca existi.

Esta obra expone el modus operandi detrs del despojo de los recursos ms preciados del pas y revela cmo aquellos que deban haber velado por el bienestar comn se transformaron en arquitectos de su propia fortuna. As, se erige como un mapa que ilumina el tortuoso camino que nos condujo a convertimos en hijos del neoliberalismo. Ms all, nos permite entender las races de la corrupcin sistmica y marca los primeros pasos en la ardua tarea para desmantelarla.


This is the contemporary history of our looted Mexico.

It all began in the 1980s, when the country was struggling with an unprecedented financial crisis and opted to embrace the neoliberal way as lifeline. A promise of modernity and prosperity that, by attempting to reduce government intervention in the economy, left a trail of trampled public interests.

Ana Lilia Prez tells the story and unmasks the characters that shaped it: political leaders, complicit officials, heirs to the bureaucratic elite, and unscrupulous businessmen. At the same time, she pulls the reader into those pillaging schemes: engineered leases, diverted resources, fraudulent structural reforms, and privatizations that only benefited a few.

In their quest for power, claims the author, politicians from different parties accused each other of "destroying" the country, dodging the responsibility left as legacy by the administrations that arose from within their ranks. Their selective memory has but one purpose: to keep or take back their privileges. With these intentions, they speak of a country that has never existed.

This work exposes the modus operandi behind the looting of the most precious resources in the country and reveals how those people who should have watched over our common welfare became the architects of their own fortunes. Thus, this book emerges as a map, illuminating the winding road that led us to be children of neoliberalism. And even more, it allows us to understand the roots of the corrupted system and marks the first steps towards the daunting task of dismantling it.

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