Si ests buscando una forma de aprender a interpretar la lectura bblica, Hermenutica, cmo entender la Biblia es perfecto para ensear los diferentes procesos y mtodos para hacerlo. Adems, este libro te invitar a implementar un programa para llevar a la prctica lo aprendido, de tal manera que puedas reafirmar la teora y llevarla a la prctica logrando as afirmarla de una manera satisfactoria. Contiene adems una compilacin de citas de diferentes autores reconocidos que han estudiado acerca de este tema, siempre con una perspectiva bblica inamovible. Las citas transcriptas son el resultado de una cuidadosa seleccin de materiales, hecha con el propsito de dar oportunidad al discpulo de tomar contacto con la literatura que el autor mismo ha utilizado para su estudio personal del tema. De este modo, estas citas pueden ser tiles para ilustrar, ampliar, aclarar y fundamentar los conceptos desarrollados en este libro de texto.
- Es un texto dedicado a la hermenutica.
- El libro ofrece una experiencia de lectura prctica y didctica.
- Proporciona herramientas para comprender la biblia.
- Explica los diferentes mtodos que se utilizan para interpretar las escrituras.
- Contiene una seccin con tareas a realizar para reforzar el aprendizaje.
- Contiene citas transcritas de diferentes autores con autoridad en el tema.
- Ideal para instituciones teolgicas, congregaciones que tengan programas de formacin ministerial, y estudiosos de la biblia.
- Puede utilizarse de manera individual o grupal.
- Citas al pie de pgina.
Hermeneutics, How to understand the Bible
If you are looking for a way to learn to interpret biblical reading, Hermeneutics, how to understand the Bible is perfect to teach the different processes and methods to do so. In addition, this book will invite you to implement a program to put what you have learned into practice, in such a way that you can reaffirm the theory and put it into practice, thus achieving affirmation in a pleasing way. It also contains a compilation of quotes from different recognized authors who have studied the subject, always with a firm biblical perspective. The transcribed citations are the result of a careful selection of materials, with the purpose of giving the disciple the opportunity to be in contact with the literature that the author himself has used for his personal study of the subject. This way, these citations can be useful to illustrate, expand, clarify, and support the concepts developed in this textbook.
- It is a text dedicated to hermeneutics.
- The book offers a practical and didactic reading experience.
- Provides tools to understand the Bible.
- Explain the different methods used to interpret scripture.
- Contains a section with tasks to be done to reinforce learning.
- Contains transcribed quotes from different authoritative authors on the subject.
- Ideal for theological institutions, congregations with ministerial training programs, and Bible scholars.
- It can be used individually or in groups.
- Footnote citations.