Una novela de amores e intrigas sobre la cada del Imperio Maya Ao 890. La ciudad de Chichn Itz es escenario de profundos cambios. A pesar de la terrible sequa que azota la regin desde hace dcadas, siguen llegando inmigrantes del sur que huyen de la guerra, as como comerciantes de la meseta central en busca de nuevos recursos. Uno de ellos es Pilotl, un acaudalado mercader de origen tolteca con quien arreglan el matrimonio de la joven noble Manik, originaria de Chichn. La vida de la mujer da un giro inesperado cuando emprende un peregrinaje a la isla de Cozumel, morada de la diosa Ixchel y su squito de magos y sacerdotisas, para ser bendecida con el regalo de un heredero. All conoce a Tsoltan, hechicero jaguar, de quien queda perdidamente enamorada... a sabiendas de que su relacin es imposible: ella ha de volver con Pilotl a velar por el devenir de su familia, en la que muchos se entrometen con fines polticos. Sin embargo, a su vuelta nada suceder como estaba previsto. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONA novel about love and intrigue at the fall of the Maya empire. The year 890. The city of Chichen Itza is at the backdrop of profound transformations. Despite the terrible drought assailing the region for decades now, there are still people migrating from the south because of the war, same as other merchants from the central highland, looking for new resources. One of them is Pilotl, a rich trader of Toltec descent, who has agreed to an arranged marriage to the young noble Manik, native of Chichen. The woman's life takes an unexpected turn when she embarks on a pilgrimage to the island of Cozumel, dwelling place of the goddess Ixchel and her entourage of sorcerers and priestesses, to be blessed with the gift of an heir. There she meets Tsoltan, jaguar sorcerer, with whom she falls deeply in love with... aware that this is an impossible relationship. She must go back to Pilotl to watch over the future of their family, in which many intrude with some political agenda. However, upon her return, nothing will transpire as she had intended.
Una novela de amores e intrigas sobre la cada del Imperio Maya Ao 890. La ciudad de Chichn Itz es escenario de profundos cambios. A pesar de la terrible sequa que azota la regin desde hace dcadas, siguen llegando inmigrantes del sur que huyen de la guerra, as como comerciantes de la meseta central en busca de nuevos recursos. Uno de ellos es Pilotl, un acaudalado mercader de origen tolteca con quien arreglan el matrimonio de la joven noble Manik, originaria de Chichn. La vida de la mujer da un giro inesperado cuando emprende un peregrinaje a la isla de Cozumel, morada de la diosa Ixchel y su squito de magos y sacerdotisas, para ser bendecida con el regalo de un heredero. All conoce a Tsoltan, hechicero jaguar, de quien queda perdidamente enamorada... a sabiendas de que su relacin es imposible: ella ha de volver con Pilotl a velar por el devenir de su familia, en la que muchos se entrometen con fines polticos. Sin embargo, a su vuelta nada suceder como estaba previsto. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONA novel about love and intrigue at the fall of the Maya empire. The year 890. The city of Chichen Itza is at the backdrop of profound transformations. Despite the terrible drought assailing the region for decades now, there are still people migrating from the south because of the war, same as other merchants from the central highland, looking for new resources. One of them is Pilotl, a rich trader of Toltec descent, who has agreed to an arranged marriage to the young noble Manik, native of Chichen. The woman's life takes an unexpected turn when she embarks on a pilgrimage to the island of Cozumel, dwelling place of the goddess Ixchel and her entourage of sorcerers and priestesses, to be blessed with the gift of an heir. There she meets Tsoltan, jaguar sorcerer, with whom she falls deeply in love with... aware that this is an impossible relationship. She must go back to Pilotl to watch over the future of their family, in which many intrude with some political agenda. However, upon her return, nothing will transpire as she had intended.