Hacia El Pantano / Towards the Swamp

Hacia El Pantano / Towards the Swamp

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«El derecho es plastilina que se amolda a la interpretacin ms favorable de quien paga.

Arturo Pereda languidece tras su jubilacin como magistrado federal. Se ahoga. Por ello, cuando la presidenta de la Repblica lo invita a ser fiscal general, acepta sin dudarlo. Ms que un reconocimiento, considera que se trata de una reivindicacin. Sin embargo, al poco tiempo empieza a recibir encargos turbios de senadores, secretarios y miembros del ejrcito. El nuevo fiscal debe perseguir a empresarios y polticos incmodos: a los enemigos del rgimen. Qu har Pereda? Le ser fiel a los principios de toda una vida o al grupo que lo encumbr y lo rescat del olvido?

El destino de Pereda se cruza con el de Rodrigo, un joven idealista, profesor de Derecho, que se ha enamorado de la ms hermosa --y peligrosa-- de sus alumnas, con el de un normalista de Iguala, que suea con la justicia social, con la presidenta de la Suprema Corte y con jueces, litigantes y otros miembros de la clase jurdica mexicana, casi todos movidos por el resentimiento, la avaricia y el hambre de poder.

Gerardo Laveaga ha escrito una novela tan brillante como sombra, donde la fragilidad de nuestro sistema de justicia, del juego poltico y de la naturaleza humana se muestran a flor de piel.


"The law is like play dough that molds to the most-favored interpretation of the one who's paying."

Arturo Pereda is wasting away after retiring as federal magistrate. He is drowning. Therefore, when the president asks him to become attorney general, he doesn't think twice. More than being acknowledged, he thinks it's about vindication. However, soon enough, Pereda starts getting shady assignments from senators, secretaries, and members of the military. The new attorney general must persecute uncomfortable businesspeople and politicians: the enemies of the regime. What will Pereda do? Will he remain true to the principles he has upheld his entire life, or to the group that extolled him and saved him from oblivion?

Pereda crosses paths with Rodrigo, a young idealist law professor in love with the most beautiful--and most dangerous--of his students, with a school teacher from Iguala who dreams of social justice, with the president of the Supreme Court, and with judges, lawyers, and other members of the Mexican legal stratum, almost all driven by resentment, greed, and a hunger for power.

Gerardo Laveaga has written a novel that is every bit as brilliant as it is dark, where the fragility of our legal system, of the political game, and of human nature are openly exposed.

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