Grumpy Monkey: Esto Es Una Fiesta! / Grumpy Monkey Party Time!

Grumpy Monkey: Esto Es Una Fiesta! / Grumpy Monkey Party Time!

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Vuelve Grumpy Monkey con esta divertidsima secuela sobre cmo gestionar la ansiedad social y esos miedos que no confesamos a nadie.

Puercoespn ha organizado una gran fiesta a la que van a ir TODOS los animales de la selva, aunque a Jim Panc no le apetece mucho porque no sabe bailar. Sus amigos intentan ensearle unos cuantos pasos divertidos, pero por mucho que Jim se zarandee, se contonee y se mueva, no la pasa nada bien... hasta que Bfalo confiesa que l tambin se siente un poco incmodo. No ser que de vez en cuando sentirte un poco nervioso es de lo ms normal?

En esta divertida secuela de GRUMPY MONKEY, los nios aprendern que est bien no seguir la corriente si se sienten incmodos, y que hablar sobre lo que necesitan puede ayudar a otros que, tal vez, necesiten lo mismo.


Everyone's favorite New York Times bestselling Grumpy Monkey is back in this hilarious sequel about managing social anxiety and listening to your needs!

Have you ever been a little anxious about going to a party? Jim Panzee feels that. Porcupine is having a big party, and according to Jim's best friend, Norman, there will be--gulp--dancing. Jim can DEFINITELY not dance. When he tells his friends, they all try to teach him cool moves--surely that's the only reason Jim isn't excited about this party!

Now, their job complete, the other animals sweep Jim along, all the way to the dance floor. Jim is dipped, swayed, and twirled until he can't take it anymore--he just doesn't like to dance! When he lets everyone know, he's met with disbelief...until Water Buffalo reveals that he doesn't much care to dance, either. As more and more animals have the courage to speak their truths, does this mean there's no place for them at this party?

In this hilarious sequel to GRUMPY MONKEY, kids will learn that it's okay not to go with the flow if they're uncomfortable, and that speaking up about what they need can help others speak up, too--and maybe they need the same thing!

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