Esta novela, publicada en 1925, lanz a Scott Fitzgerald al nivel de los clsicos, autntico representante de los aos dorados de una sociedad norteamericana que se desplom con el crack del 29. Acumular riqueza para ocupar un lugar destacado en la sociedad es el motor de sus personajes, seres inconscientes que se mueven en un mundo vaco y artificial. sta es la historia del millonario hecho a s mismo Jay Gatsby, a quien slo le mueve una obsesin: recuperar un amor de juventud.

This novel, published in 1925, launched Scott Fitzgerald at the level of the classics, an authentic representative of the golden years of an American society that collapsed with the crash of '29. Accumulating wealth to occupy a prominent place in society is the engine of his characters, unconscious beings that move in an empty and artificial world. This is the story of the self-made millionaire Jay Gatsby, who is driven by only one obsession: recovering a youthful love.

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