Gran Gua Visual del Cosmos / A Grand Visual Guide of the Cosmos
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Ms de 200 conceptos clave de los cosmos explicados con imgenes comprensibles e innovadoras que, de un modo accesible, ilustran el origen y la evolucin del universo, las leyes fsicas que lo rigen y los descubrimientos cientficos ms importantes. Un libro original y visionario para descubrir la astrofsica. el universo por fin al alcance de todos con el apoyo visual y grfico de esta gua imprescindible. ENGLISH TRANSLATION After the success of A Grand Visual History of Philosophy, comes a new visual guide dedicated to the universe.
Over 200 key concepts about the cosmos, explained through comprehensible and innovative images that illustrate, in an accessible manner, the origins and evolution of the universe, the physical laws that govern it, and the most important scientific discoveries. An original and visionary book to explore astrophysics. The universe finally available to all with the visual and graphic support of this essential guide.
Ms de 200 conceptos clave de los cosmos explicados con imgenes comprensibles e innovadoras que, de un modo accesible, ilustran el origen y la evolucin del universo, las leyes fsicas que lo rigen y los descubrimientos cientficos ms importantes. Un libro original y visionario para descubrir la astrofsica. el universo por fin al alcance de todos con el apoyo visual y grfico de esta gua imprescindible. ENGLISH TRANSLATION After the success of A Grand Visual History of Philosophy, comes a new visual guide dedicated to the universe.
Over 200 key concepts about the cosmos, explained through comprehensible and innovative images that illustrate, in an accessible manner, the origins and evolution of the universe, the physical laws that govern it, and the most important scientific discoveries. An original and visionary book to explore astrophysics. The universe finally available to all with the visual and graphic support of this essential guide.