El invierno se acerca y, en esta ocasin, van a organizar una gran reunin para agradecer la cosecha y todo lo que est por llegar. Ser una gran fiesta en el bosque. Ya llega el solsticio. Es hora de celebrar!
Una invitacin a vivir las festividades de esta estacin a travs de la naturaleza y los ritmos que marca.
En este libro, Tamara Chubarovsky nos trae un cuento bellamente ilustrado para ver, or y sentir el invierno basado en el juego e introducir a los ms pequeos de la casa en la lectoescritura y trabajar el habla, los sonidos y el desarrollo sensomotriz. Qu encontrars en este cuento:
-Es un cuento Waldorf, que acompaa al nio en su desarrollo, se adapta a su ritmo madurativo e invita al dilogo y a la conexin entre nio y adulto. -«Las estaciones es uno de los temas imprescindibles en el currculum escolar. -Cada vez ms padres y educadores buscan lecturas para acercar a nios y nias a las festividades invernales a travs de la naturaleza y la tradicin pagana. -Su texto rimado y sencillo es perfecto para aprender a leer y trabajar el habla. -Incluye una gua para padres y educadores para llevar la experiencia de la lectura ms all del libro y trabajar las Rimas con Movimiento(R), un mtodo que estimula el lenguaje y ayuda a trabajar las dificultades en la pronunciacin de forma ldica. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONA rhyming story inspired by Waldorf pedagogy to discover the magic of winter. Written by Tamara Chubarovsky, an expert in language, child development, and Waldorf pedagogy, and illustrated by Merc Tous (The Magic of the Seasons). On the side of the trail, inside a tree, live five little elves who are my friends. Winter is fast approaching, and this time they are organizing a great gathering to give thanks for the harvest and all that is yet to come. There will be a great celebration in the forest. The solstice is coming. It's time to celebrate! This is an invitation to enjoy the festivities of the season through nature and its rhythms. In this book, Tamara Chubarovsky brings us a beautifully illustrated story to see, hear, and feel winter, based on games and designed to introduce young children to reading and writing while working on speech, sounds, and sensorimotor development. What you'll find in this story: -It's a Waldorf story that accompanies the child's development, adapts to their growth rhythm, and invites dialogue and connection between child and adult. -\"The Seasons\" is one of the essential themes in the school curriculum. -More and more, parents and educators are seeking stories that introduce children to winter festivities through nature and pagan traditions. -Its simple rhymed text is perfect for learning to read and working on speech. -Includes a guide for parents and educators to extend the reading experience beyond the book and work with Rhymes with Movement(R), a method that stimulates language and helps work on pronunciation struggles in a playful way.","price":18.95,"gtin":"9788419910431","brand":"B de Blok","product_link":"https://www.discountmags.com/products/spa-gran-fiesta-del-invierno-hardcover","images":["https://img.discountmags.com/products/extras/books/9788419910431_e00a9a3.jpg"],"item_group":"2417578"}