Gracia de Reyes, Prostitutas Y Otras Historias (Grace of Kings, Harlots and Other Stories)

Gracia de Reyes, Prostitutas Y Otras Historias (Grace of Kings, Harlots and Other Stories)

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La gracia de Dios no pide referencias ni mira historiales acadmicos.

Ella alcanza a todos por igual desde que Dios provey el carnero a Abraham, y tiene su mxima expresin en Jess. Este libro es una coleccin de relatos bblicos entremezclados con la imaginacin y el testimonio de gracia del autor y servir para que jvenes de todas las edades se puedan asombrar de la poderosa gracia de Dios y cmo ella contina hoy escribiendo historias de redencin.

God's grace does not ask for references or looks at academic records. Grace reaches everyone equally since God delivered the ram to Abraham, and it has its maximum manifestation in Jesus. This book is a collection of biblical stories interspersed with the author's imagination and testimony of grace that will serve young people of all ages as they marvel at God's powerful grace and how it continues to tell stories of redemption today.

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