Sabas que el 30% de la poblacin es Persona Altamente Sensible (PAS)? Aprende claves y trucos para que este rasgo de la personalidad se convierta en un superpoder. Tienes un olfato fino y oyes el mnimo ruido? Te agobias en lugares con mucha gente? Observas sutilezas que pasan desapercibidas para la mayora? Te molestan las etiquetas de la ropa?. Si has respondido afirmativamente, es posible que seas una persona altamente sensible (PAS): tu cableado neurolgico es distinto, percibes ms informacin que el resto de la gente a travs de los sentidos, y muchas veces, este alud de estmulos te satura. Cuando entiendas cmo funciona tu maquinaria PAS, descubrirs que la alta sensibilidad puede jugar a tu favor si sabes cmo hacerlo. Este libro te ensea cmo sacar partido de tu naturaleza sensible y creativa, descubrir tu potencial y brillar y construir una vida plena acorde con tu personalidad. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONDid you know that 30% of the population is considered a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? Learn keys and tricks to turn this personality trait into a superpower. Do you have a fine sense of smell and hear the slightest noise? Do you get overwhelmed in places with many people? Do you notice subtleties that go unnoticed by most? Do clothing labels bother you? If you answered yes, you may be a highly sensitive person (HSP): your neurological wiring is different, you perceive more information than other people through the senses, and many times, this avalanche of stimuli overwhelms you. When you understand how your HSP machinery works, you will discover that high sensitivity can work in your favor if you know how to use it. This book teaches you how to take advantage of your sensitive and creative nature, discover your potential, and shine and build a full life according to your personality.
Sabas que el 30% de la poblacin es Persona Altamente Sensible (PAS)? Aprende claves y trucos para que este rasgo de la personalidad se convierta en un superpoder. Tienes un olfato fino y oyes el mnimo ruido? Te agobias en lugares con mucha gente? Observas sutilezas que pasan desapercibidas para la mayora? Te molestan las etiquetas de la ropa?. Si has respondido afirmativamente, es posible que seas una persona altamente sensible (PAS): tu cableado neurolgico es distinto, percibes ms informacin que el resto de la gente a travs de los sentidos, y muchas veces, este alud de estmulos te satura. Cuando entiendas cmo funciona tu maquinaria PAS, descubrirs que la alta sensibilidad puede jugar a tu favor si sabes cmo hacerlo. Este libro te ensea cmo sacar partido de tu naturaleza sensible y creativa, descubrir tu potencial y brillar y construir una vida plena acorde con tu personalidad. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONDid you know that 30% of the population is considered a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? Learn keys and tricks to turn this personality trait into a superpower. Do you have a fine sense of smell and hear the slightest noise? Do you get overwhelmed in places with many people? Do you notice subtleties that go unnoticed by most? Do clothing labels bother you? If you answered yes, you may be a highly sensitive person (HSP): your neurological wiring is different, you perceive more information than other people through the senses, and many times, this avalanche of stimuli overwhelms you. When you understand how your HSP machinery works, you will discover that high sensitivity can work in your favor if you know how to use it. This book teaches you how to take advantage of your sensitive and creative nature, discover your potential, and shine and build a full life according to your personality.