Frida de la A A La Z: La Vida de Un Icono del Activismo a la Cultura Zapoteca

Frida de la A A La Z: La Vida de Un Icono del Activismo a la Cultura Zapoteca

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Brillante, pionera, artista, icono de la moda, Frida Kahlo era realmente nica. Fuerte, apasionada, talentosa y decidida a partes iguales. Desde sus primeros das creciendo en Coyoacn y su enfermedad en la infancia; su etapa escolar como una de las pocas mujeres que asistieron a la renombrada Escuela Nacional Preparatoria de Ciudad de Mxico (donde conoci a Diego Rivera), y el trgico accidente que la llevara a una vida de dolor y ambicin artstica; su ascenso hasta convertirse en una de las artistas ms importantes y clebres de Mxico, su relacin con Diego, su amistad con los surrealistas europeos, la sensacin que caus con su primera exposicin en Nueva York, su contribucin a la cultura en general y el fenmeno sin precedentes en el que se ha convertido. Frida de la A a la Z conmemora la vida, el arte, las amistades, la poltica, la belleza y la agona que rodean a una de las voces artsticas ms distintivas e importantes del siglo XX.

A brilliant, pioneering artist and fashion icon, Frida Kahlo was truly one of a kind. She was strong, passionate, talented, and determined in equal parts. This book covers everything from the first days in school as one of the few women to attend Mexico City's renowned National Preparatory School (where she met Diego Rivera), and the tragic accident that would lead her to a life of pain and artistic ambition. It covers her rise to become one of Mexico's most important and celebrated artists, her relationship with Diego, her friendship with the European surrealists, the sensation she caused with her first New York exhibition, her contribution to culture in general, and the unprecedented phenomenon that it has become. Frida from A to Z commemorates the life, art, friendships, politics, beauty, and agony that surround one of the most distinctive and important artistic voices of the 20th century.

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