El Final de la Historia / End of Story

El Final de la Historia / End of Story

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El autor de La mujer en la ventana, bestseller #1 del New York Times, vuelve con un thriller fascinante, parte Entre navajas y secretos, parte Agatha Christie... y al mismo tiempo como nada que hayas ledo antes.

"En tres meses estar muerto. Ven a contar mi historia."

Escribe Sebastin Trapp, novelista de misterio recluso, a Nicky Hunter, su amiga por correspondencia y experta en novela policiaca. Con pocos meses de vida, Trapp invita a Nicky a su espectacular mansin en San Francisco para ayudarlo a poner en papel la historia de su vida... conviviendo con su hermosa segunda esposa, Diana; su rebelde sobrino, Freddy, y su protectora hija, Madeleine. Pronto, Nicky queda atrapada en un irresistible caso de "fiebre detectivesca" en la vida real.

"Es posible que resolvamos uno o dos viejos misterios."

Veinte aos antes, en la vspera de Ao Nuevo de 1999, la primera esposa de Sebastin y su hijo adolescente desaparecieron desde distintas locaciones y nunca se les volvi a ver. Acaso el perfecto escritor de novelas de crimen cometi el crimen perfecto? Y por qu ha salido del aislamiento dos dcadas despus para permitir que una extraa hurgue en su pasado?

"La vida es dura. Te mata despus de todo."

Mientras Nicky intenta tejer los hilos en la vida de Sebastin, se obsesiona con descubrir la verdad... en tanto que Madeleine empieza a cuestionar lo que su querido padre sabe realmente de lo ocurrido aquella noche tanto tiempo atrs. Y cuando aparece un cadver en el estanque koi de la familia, ambas mujeres quedan en shock al descubrir que el pasado no qued atrs... solo est esperando.


The author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Woman in the Window returnswith a mesmerizing thriller - part Knives Out, part Agatha Christie . . . yet utterly unlike anything you've ever read.

"I'll be dead in three months. Come tell my story."

So writes Sebastian Trapp, reclusive mystery novelist, to his longtime correspondent Nicky Hunter, an expert in detective fiction. With mere months to live, Trapp invites Nicky to his spectacular San Francisco mansion to help draft his life story . . . living alongside his beautiful second wife, Diana; his wayward nephew, Freddy; and his protective daughter, Madeleine. Soon Nicky finds herself caught in an irresistible case of real-life "detective fever."

"You and I might even solve an old mystery or two."

Twenty years earlier--on New Year's Eve 1999--Sebastian's first wife and teenaged son vanished from different locations, never to be seen again. Did the perfect crime writer commit the perfect crime? And why has he emerged from seclusion, two decades later, to allow a stranger to dig into his past?

"Life is hard. After all, it kills you."

As Nicky attempts to weave together the strands of Sebastian's life, she becomes obsessed with discovering the truth . . . while Madeleine begins to question what her beloved father might actually know about that long-ago night. And when a corpse appears in the family's koi pond, both women are shocked to find that the past isn't gone--it's just waiting.

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