La Estrella de Laura / Laura's Star

La Estrella de Laura / Laura's Star

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Una noche en la que Laura no puede dormir y mira por la ventana de su habitacin, ve cmo una pequea estrella cae justo delante de su casa, sobre la acera. Laura se lleva la estrellita a su habitacin. Pero a la maana siguiente, la estrella ha desaparecido.

Esta dulce historia de Laura y su estrella cuenta lo que una nia puede descubrir y cmo, a veces, tenemos que separarnos de las cosas que queremos.


A story about a little girl who wished to have a friend. But when the little star started to fade, Laura knew what she needed to do.

One night when Laura couldn't sleep, she looked out of her bedroom window and saw a small star fall right in front of her house, on the sidewalk. Laura took the little star to her room. But by the next morning, the star had disappeared.

This sweet story about Laura and her star, tells what a girl can discover and how sometimes we have to let go of the things we love.

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