DOS Horas de Sol / Two Hours of Sun

DOS Horas de Sol / Two Hours of Sun

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Un editor y su socio viajan a Acapulco con el pretexto de realizar una entrevista. Los das que esperaban soleados sern arrasados por un huracn que trastocar su visin del mundo.

Dos horas de sol madur, como sucede con otras novelas de Jos Agustn, lentamente. Sus protagonistas, un editor yuppie y su socio, visitan Acapulco con el pretexto de escribir un reportaje sobre los lugares oscuros del puerto y buscando pasar un buen rato. El viaje, tanto real como simblico, es el eje central de la trama.

En Dos horas de sol los deseos de los protagonistas se pierden en la frialdad inexcusable del destino: un huracn arrasa el puerto y modifica los planes de ambos viajeros. La tormenta desnuda lo que permaneca escondido: mientras uno reniega de la situacin, el otro se hunde en la vida cotidiana de Acapulco. Esta novela es una alegora extraordinaria del Mxico de fin de siglo.

La travesa, la tormenta, la transformacin de los personajes y sus aventuras, al lado de dos gringas que vacacionan en el puerto, son narradas con la soltura extraordinaria y el humor exquisito que caracterizan la narrativa de Jos Agustn.


A publisher and his partner travel to Acapulco under the pretext of conducting an interview. The sunny days expected will be wiped out by a hurricane that will alter their view of the world.

Same as other novels by Jos Agustn, Two Hours of Sun matures slowly. The protagonists, a yuppie publisher and his partner, visit Acapulco with the pretext of writing an article about the port's shadowy places, looking to have a good time. The journey, both real and symbolic, is the backbone of the plot.

In Two Hours of Sun, the desires of both protagonists get lost in the inexcusable coldness of fate: a hurricane thrashes the port and changes the plans of the two travelers. The storm unveils what had remained hidden--while one complains about the situation, the other plunges into Acapulco's everyday life. This novel is a wonderful allegory of Mexico at the end of the twentieth century.

The trip, the storm, the transformations and adventures of the characters, accompanied by two gringas vacationing at the port, are narrated with the extraordinary ease and exquisite humor characteristic of Jos Agustn's narrative.

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