Diccionario de Figuras de Diccin

Diccionario de Figuras de Diccin

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El presente diccionario para figuras de diccin incluidas en la Biblia es una obra totalmente nueva y exhaustiva, nueva, porque es la primera vez que las figuras de diccin se toman como una rama de los estudios bblicos; exhaustiva, porque incluye los hechos y las verdades que constituyen la base de la fe cristiana, as como los principios que sustentan la esencia misma de la reforma.

El objeto de la obra refiera a:

  • Preguntar en su propio orden y lugar cada una de las 217 figuras de diccin
  • Dar la pronunciacin del nombre de cada una
  • Facilitar su etimologa, dando a entender porque se le da es nombre y cul es su significado
  • Presentar los textos bblicos en los que se usa tal figura acompaados de una explicacin completa.

Dictionary of Figures of Speech

The present dictionary for figures of speech included in the Bible is a totally new and exhaustive work, new because it is the first time that figures of speech are taken as a branch of biblical studies; exhaustive because it includes the facts and truths that constitute the basis of the Christian faith, as well as the principles that support the very essence of the reformation.

  • Ask for each of the 217 figures of speech in its proper order and place.
  • Give the pronunciation of the name of each one
  • Provide its etymology, explaining why it is given this name and what is its meaning.
  • Present the biblical texts in which the figure of speech is used, accompanied by a complete explanation.
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