Me lo dijo sin prembulos, pero no me tom por sorpresa.
A principios de 2022, mi padre, Carlos Alberto Montaner, me encomend la misin ms difcil y dolorosa de mi vida: Te pido que me ayudes a morir .
Ms de seis aos despus de ser diagnosticado en Estados Unidos con Parkinson sus capacidades fsicas haban mermado considerablemente y la enfermedad comenzaba a hacer mella en sus facultades cognitivas. Carlos Alberto Montaner, que haba dedicado su vida al desempeo intelectual, el activismo poltico y a expresar sus opiniones en una columna sindicada en Amrica Latina, Espaa y Estados Unidos, decida el final de su vida antes de que la enfermedad le arrebatara del todo su autonoma fsica e intelectual. l deseaba regresar a Madrid, donde haba vivido ms de cuarenta aos y, como ciudadano espaol, acogerse a la Ley de Eutanasia recientemente aprobada en el Congreso.
Desenme un buen viaje es una crnica ntima de su trayectoria sin retorno, y la de su hija junto a l, con el trasfondo de la eutanasia. Se trata de un camino lleno de obstculos e incertidumbre; pero tambin es un recorrido extraordinario por las emociones, la comunin ntima y la perseverancia frente a la adversidad. Cuenta un viaje del desarraigo -las seas de identidad de una familia marcada por el exilio tras el triunfo de la revolucin en Cuba- hacia el arraigo que signific para ellos retornar a Espaa, su segunda patria.
Gina Montaner ha escrito un credo imprescindible para entender la vida y valorar la muerte. Valiente, sincero y conmovedor. No dejar a nadie indiferente por sus enseanzas y su sabidura -Sonsoles nega
At the beginning of 2022, my father, Carlos Alberto Montaner, gave me the hardest and most painful mission of my life: "I'm asking you to help me die."
Six years after being diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, his physical and cognitive abilities had decreased considerably. Carlos Alberto Montaner, who had dedicated his life to intellectual pursuits, political activism, and to expressing his opinions through a syndicated column in newspapers throughout Latin America, Spain, and the United States, had decided to end his life before his illness took away the last of his autonomy. He hoped to return to Madrid, where he had lived for over forty years and, as a Spanish citizen, abide by the Law of Euthanasia recently approved by the Spanish Congress.
Desenme un buen viaje (Wish Me a Good Journey) is the intimate chronicle of a trip with no return. It is a journey of obstacles and uncertainties, but also an extraordinary retelling of vibrant emotions, intimate camaraderie, and perseverance in the face of adversity. This book tells a story of uprooting--the distinctive flag of a family that was exiled from Cuba after the triumph of the revolution--and of their return to Spain, their adopted homeland.
"Gina Montaner has written an essential creed to understand life and value death. Brave, sincere and moving. She will not leave anyone indifferent to his teachings and his wisdom" -Sonsoles nega