Los ltimos manuscritos conocidos, as como versiones conocidas por actividades de inteligencia, han permitido establecer que su estado anmico no es el mejor, denotando la expresin de un hombre que se considera en franca derrota, pero que no por ello deja de ser menos peligroso. No se conoce a la fecha algn indicio que permita corroborar una posicin en contrario, percibindose solamente preocupacin manifiesta por la situacin y futuro de su familia.
Si bien es cierto que el seor T (Pablo Escobar) pretende convencer a las autoridades de que se entregara sobre la base de garantas de seguridad de
su familia, es evidente que en el pasado los ataques ms feroces de tipo terrorista sobrevivieron cuando la familia se encontraba disfrutando de plena seguridad en el exterior. Por lo anterior, es lgico considerar que el fugitivo, de cara a la campaa electoral, puede lanzarse a una ofensiva terrorista.
al coronel Martnez).
Secret report to the Joint Special Command, June 22, 1993, eleven months after Pablo Escobar's escape.
The last known manuscripts, as well as known versions for intelligence activities, have made it possible to establish that his state of mind is not the best, denoting the expression of a man who considers himself in frank defeat, but who is no less dangerous. To date, there is no known evidence to corroborate a position to the contrary, and there is only expressed concern for the situation and future of his family.
While it is true that Mr. T (Pablo Escobar) is trying to convince the authorities that he would turn himself in on the basis of guarantees of his family's safety, it is clear that in the past the most ferocious terrorist attacks survived when the family was enjoying full security abroad. Therefore, it is logical to consider that the fugitive, in the face of the electoral campaign, may launch a terrorist offensive.
It should not be forgotten that the motto that inspires Mr. T's struggle is based on the application of brute force, a situation that would lead one to presume that in the immediate future he will carry out the threats he launched against several public officials and commanding officers of the Search Bloc, to whom he promised to "kill every last of his relatives" (manuscript sent to Colonel Martnez).