de Corazn a Corazn / Heart to Heart

de Corazn a Corazn / Heart to Heart

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«Tengo la esperanza de que este libro sirva para abrir los ojos, la mente y el corazn de todas las personas .

De su santidad el Dali Lama y el premiado ilustrador Patrick McDonnell, llega una magnfica joya ilustrada sobre cmo sanar nuestra relacin con el planeta y con los dems.

Un inslito visitante ha llegado a la residencia del Dali Lama en la India. Su Santidad interrumpe su meditacin matutina para saludar a un panda gigante que ha viajado muchos kilmetros para verlo. Tras darle la bienvenida, le invita a dar un paseo por el bosque. All, a la sombra del Himalaya, rodeados de belleza y diversidad, conversarn sobre lo humano y lo divino.

Con un mensaje alentador sobre el futuro de nuestro planeta, De corazn a corazn nos recuerda que «todos somos miembros de una misma familia que convive en una sola casa . Lleno de encanto, sabidura y ternura, este libro nos invita a reflexionar sobre el vnculo que nos une con todos los seres vivientes: «Si quieres cambiar el mundo, primero prueba a mejorar y cambiar en tu interior .


From His Holiness, the Dalai Lama and Mutt's cartoonist and award-winning author Patrick McDonnell comes a powerful and timely gem of a book on how to heal our relationship with the planet and each other.

At the Dalai Lama's residence in Dharamsala, India, an unusual visitor has arrived. His Holiness interrupts his morning meditation to greet a troubled Giant Panda who has traveled many miles to see him. Welcoming him as a friend, His Holiness invites the Panda on a walk through a cedar forest. There in the shadow of the Himalayas, surrounded by beauty, they discuss matters great and small . . .

With a galvanizing message about the future of our planet--text by His Holiness accompanied by McDonnell's masterful illustrations--Heart to Heart calls for a Compassionate Revolution, reminding us that "we are indeed all members of a single family, sharing one little house." Told with whimsy, wisdom, and warmth, this beautiful book is deceptively simple in its approach and all the more powerful for it, as it elegantly and decisively conveys a message of joy, hope and change.

"There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday, and one is called Tomorrow."

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