Su cuada, la Sra. Rebecca, el pato del charco, era muy diferente
Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rebeccah the puddle duck was very differentEstaba perfectamente dispuesta a dejar la eclosin a otra persona
she was perfectly willing to leave the hatching to someone else
"No tengo paciencia para sentarme en un nido durante veintiocho das"
"I have not the patience to sit on a nest for twenty-eight days"
"Y t tampoco tienes paciencia, Jemima"
"and you don't have the patience either, Jemima"
" Dejaras que los huevos se enfriaran, sabes que lo haras!"
"You would let the eggs go cold, you know you would!"
-Deseo incubar mis propios huevos -grazn Jemima el pato charco-
"I wish to hatch my own eggs," quacked Jemima puddle duck
"Los incubar todos yo sola", confirm
"I will hatch them all by myself," she confirmed