El Cuento de Timmy Tiptoes / The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes: Tranzlaty Espaol English

El Cuento de Timmy Tiptoes / The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes: Tranzlaty Espaol English

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Timmy Tiptoes estaba sentado afuera

Timmy Tiptoes was sitting outside

Disfrutaba de la brisa,

He was enjoying the breeze,

y movi la cola y se ri entre dientes

and he whisked his tail and chuckled

"La vida es buena, hermanita Goody"

"Life is good, little wife Goody"

"Las nueces estn maduras y listas"

"the nuts are ripe and ready"

"Hay que preparar una tienda para el invierno"

"we must prepare a store for the winter"

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