Cuntame Un Cuento. Hace Mucho Tiempo / Tell Me a Story: A Long Time Ago
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Los tres cerditos - Blancanieves y los siete enanitos -Ricitos de Oro y los tres osos - Cenicienta - Caperucita Roja - El gato con botas - El hombrecito de jengibre - El patito feo ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In this great book you will be able to read and enjoy the following magical stories: The Three Little Pigs - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs -Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Cinderella - Little Red Riding Hood - Puss in Boots - The Gingerbread Man - The Ugly Duckling.
Los tres cerditos - Blancanieves y los siete enanitos -Ricitos de Oro y los tres osos - Cenicienta - Caperucita Roja - El gato con botas - El hombrecito de jengibre - El patito feo ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In this great book you will be able to read and enjoy the following magical stories: The Three Little Pigs - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs -Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Cinderella - Little Red Riding Hood - Puss in Boots - The Gingerbread Man - The Ugly Duckling.