Cuando El Cielo Se Rompa Y Caigan Las Estrellas / When the Sky Breaks and the St Ars Fall
by Cherry Chic
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El amor y la lucha por empezar de cero marcaran las pginas de esta nueva saga.
En Rose Lake hay un concurso de buzones Free Library cada Navidad y gana el vecino que tenga el buzn ms bonito para libros. Hay un festival de otoo que incluye subastas de calabazas y concursos de cortar lea con hacha. Hay un solo restaurante, pero es posible que sirva el mejor chocolate caliente del mundo. Hay un lago, claro, rodeado de montaas y espesos bosques, y sus habitantes apenas pasan de las mil personas. Es, segn Vera, el pueblo perfecto para resurgir. Segn Maia, un rincn perdido del mundo, entre las montaas de Oregon (Estados Unidos). Segn Martin es el mejor sitio para nacer y crecer. Y segn Kellan... Para l, Rose Lake es el lugar ms hermoso y doloroso del mundo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Cherry Chic is back after the "Valientes/Brave" duology and the "Dunas/Dunes" saga! Love and the struggle to start anew will highlight the pages of this new saga. In Rose Lake, there is a Free Library mailbox contest every Christmas, and the neighbor with the most beautiful book mailbox wins. There's a fall festival that features pumpkin auctions and contests for chopping wood with an axe. There's only one restaurant, but it might just serve the best hot chocolate in the world. There's a lake, of course, surrounded by mountains and thick forests, and its population barely exceeds a thousand people. According to Vera, it's the perfect town for a rebirth. According to Maia, it's a forgotten corner of the world, nestled among the mountains of Oregon. According to Martin, it's the best place to be born and grow up in. And according to Kellan... For him, Rose Lake is the most beautiful and the most painful place in the world.
El amor y la lucha por empezar de cero marcaran las pginas de esta nueva saga.
En Rose Lake hay un concurso de buzones Free Library cada Navidad y gana el vecino que tenga el buzn ms bonito para libros. Hay un festival de otoo que incluye subastas de calabazas y concursos de cortar lea con hacha. Hay un solo restaurante, pero es posible que sirva el mejor chocolate caliente del mundo. Hay un lago, claro, rodeado de montaas y espesos bosques, y sus habitantes apenas pasan de las mil personas. Es, segn Vera, el pueblo perfecto para resurgir. Segn Maia, un rincn perdido del mundo, entre las montaas de Oregon (Estados Unidos). Segn Martin es el mejor sitio para nacer y crecer. Y segn Kellan... Para l, Rose Lake es el lugar ms hermoso y doloroso del mundo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Cherry Chic is back after the "Valientes/Brave" duology and the "Dunas/Dunes" saga! Love and the struggle to start anew will highlight the pages of this new saga. In Rose Lake, there is a Free Library mailbox contest every Christmas, and the neighbor with the most beautiful book mailbox wins. There's a fall festival that features pumpkin auctions and contests for chopping wood with an axe. There's only one restaurant, but it might just serve the best hot chocolate in the world. There's a lake, of course, surrounded by mountains and thick forests, and its population barely exceeds a thousand people. According to Vera, it's the perfect town for a rebirth. According to Maia, it's a forgotten corner of the world, nestled among the mountains of Oregon. According to Martin, it's the best place to be born and grow up in. And according to Kellan... For him, Rose Lake is the most beautiful and the most painful place in the world.