El Cuaderno de Las Recetas Perdidas / The Little French Recipe Book
by Jacky Durand
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Cules son los sabores que quedan grabados en nuestra memoria? Los recuerdos vuelven a Julien a fuego lento ahora que debe despedirse de su padre. De l hered su pasin por la cocina, aunque teme que ya nunca sabr por qu, siendo uno de los chefs ms talentosos, Henry no quiso que su hijo siguiera sus pasos. Tampoco hablaron jams de por qu la madre de Julien los abandon de manera repentina, ni de qu fue del apreciado cuaderno de recetas donde el chef guardaba los secretos de sus platos. Ese cuaderno obsesiona a Julien y est decidido a encontrarlo. Entre sus pginas se esconden los sabores y aromas que marcaron su infancia, pero lo que l no puede imaginar es que su bsqueda podra develar muchos ms secretos que los culinarios. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A beautiful novel about family secrets, hidden recipes, lost loves, and the passions we inherit from our parents.
What are the flavors that remain etched in our memory? Memories come back to Julien ever so slowly now that he must say goodbye to his father. From him he inherited his passion for cooking, although he fears he will never know why, being one of the most talented chefs, Henry did not want his son to follow in his footsteps. Nor did they ever talk about why Julien's mother suddenly abandoned them, or what happened to the treasured recipe notebook where the chef kept the secrets for his dishes. That notebook obsesses Julien, and he is determined to find it. Those pages hide the flavors and aromas that marked his childhood, but what he couldn't have imagined is that his search could reveal many more secrets than just culinary ones.
Cules son los sabores que quedan grabados en nuestra memoria? Los recuerdos vuelven a Julien a fuego lento ahora que debe despedirse de su padre. De l hered su pasin por la cocina, aunque teme que ya nunca sabr por qu, siendo uno de los chefs ms talentosos, Henry no quiso que su hijo siguiera sus pasos. Tampoco hablaron jams de por qu la madre de Julien los abandon de manera repentina, ni de qu fue del apreciado cuaderno de recetas donde el chef guardaba los secretos de sus platos. Ese cuaderno obsesiona a Julien y est decidido a encontrarlo. Entre sus pginas se esconden los sabores y aromas que marcaron su infancia, pero lo que l no puede imaginar es que su bsqueda podra develar muchos ms secretos que los culinarios. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A beautiful novel about family secrets, hidden recipes, lost loves, and the passions we inherit from our parents.
What are the flavors that remain etched in our memory? Memories come back to Julien ever so slowly now that he must say goodbye to his father. From him he inherited his passion for cooking, although he fears he will never know why, being one of the most talented chefs, Henry did not want his son to follow in his footsteps. Nor did they ever talk about why Julien's mother suddenly abandoned them, or what happened to the treasured recipe notebook where the chef kept the secrets for his dishes. That notebook obsesses Julien, and he is determined to find it. Those pages hide the flavors and aromas that marked his childhood, but what he couldn't have imagined is that his search could reveal many more secrets than just culinary ones.