Un libro cuactstico para compartir en familia Mam Pata y sus patitos salen a desayunar. En el camino, harn nuevos amigos con su canto, pero todos querrn solo cantar? Una familia de patos turrios deambula por el humedal comiendo bichitos y frutos mientras cantan con su caracterstico «cuac-cuac . Otros animales del humedal se unen a ellos para aprender a cantarlo, como el cur, la rana sabanera y el bho orejudo, sin saber que hay un depredador oculto que los acecha y que no pertenece al humedal. Una colorida y divertida historia en verso que nos introduce a un ecosistema con el que convivimos en la ciudad. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONA quacktastic book to share with the family. Mama Duck and her ducklings go out for breakfast. Along the way, they make new friends with their lovely songs, but does everyone just want to sing? A family of chirpy ducks wanders through the wetland eating bugs and fruits while singing their usual "quack-quack." Other animals in the wetland join them to learn the song, like the guinea pig, the savanna frog, and the long-eared owl, not knowing that a hidden predator that does not belong to the wetland is stalking them. A colorful and fun story written in verse that introduces us to an ecosystem we all share in the city.
Un libro cuactstico para compartir en familia Mam Pata y sus patitos salen a desayunar. En el camino, harn nuevos amigos con su canto, pero todos querrn solo cantar? Una familia de patos turrios deambula por el humedal comiendo bichitos y frutos mientras cantan con su caracterstico «cuac-cuac . Otros animales del humedal se unen a ellos para aprender a cantarlo, como el cur, la rana sabanera y el bho orejudo, sin saber que hay un depredador oculto que los acecha y que no pertenece al humedal. Una colorida y divertida historia en verso que nos introduce a un ecosistema con el que convivimos en la ciudad. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONA quacktastic book to share with the family. Mama Duck and her ducklings go out for breakfast. Along the way, they make new friends with their lovely songs, but does everyone just want to sing? A family of chirpy ducks wanders through the wetland eating bugs and fruits while singing their usual "quack-quack." Other animals in the wetland join them to learn the song, like the guinea pig, the savanna frog, and the long-eared owl, not knowing that a hidden predator that does not belong to the wetland is stalking them. A colorful and fun story written in verse that introduces us to an ecosystem we all share in the city.