- Contiene perfiles del cristianismo en todos los pases de Amrica Latina y el Caribe, junto con atractivas presentaciones de informacin estadstica y demogrfica.
- Analiza las caractersticas principales y las tendencias actuales del cristianismo en Amrica Latina y el Caribe, presentando a acadmicos locales con experiencia en su campo.
- Examina cada una de las principales tradiciones cristianas en Amrica Latina y el Caribe: protestantes, independientes, ortodoxos, catlicos romanos, anglicanos, evanglicos y pentecostales/carismticos.Explora temas clave como la fe y la cultura, el culto y la espiritualidad, la teologa, el compromiso social y poltico, la misin y la evangelizacin, la libertad religiosa, el gnero, las relaciones interreligiosas, los afrodescendientes, la migracin, los pueblos indgenas, la persecucin y el martirio.
Offers an exceptionally detailed account of Christianity in Latin America and the Caribbean through empirical data and original analysis.
- Contains profiles of Christianity in all the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, together with attractive presentations of statistical and demographic information.
- Analyzes the main characteristics and current trends of Christianity in Latin America and the Caribbean, presenting local scholars with experience in their field.
- Examines each of the major Christian traditions in Latin America and the Caribbean: Protestant, Independent, Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Evangelical, and Pentecostal/Charismatic.
- Explores key topics such as faith and culture, worship and spirituality, theology, social and political commitment, mission and evangelization, religious freedom, gender, interreligious relations, Afro-descendants, migration, indigenous peoples, persecution and martyrdom.