Cocina Sana Y Feliz / Healthy and Happy Cooking

Cocina Sana Y Feliz / Healthy and Happy Cooking

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Quieres comer sano, pero no sabes por dnde empezar? Te gustara seguir una dieta equilibrada sin tener que renunciar a los platos ms sabrosos?

Para conseguir una alimentacin saludable, Connie Achurra advierte que no hace falta seguir dietas extremas, obstinarnos con ciertos grupos alimentarios ni complicarnos la vida para adquirir productos poco comunes.

En este libro, encontrars las mejores recetas libres de azcares refinados y harinas blancas. Descubre una variedad de desayunos, meriendas, picoteos y almuerzos vegetarianos, adems de postres que te ayudarn a crear hbitos saludables para conseguir una mente lcida, una actitud positiva y un bienestar permanente.


Do you want to eat healthily, but don't know where to start? Would you like to follow a balanced diet without having to give up the tastiest dishes?

To achieve a healthy diet, Connie Achurra declares that it is not necessary to follow extreme diets, be stubborn with certain food groups or complicate our lives to acquire unusual products.

In this book, you will find the best recipes free of refined sugars and all-purpose flour. Discover a variety of vegetarian breakfasts, snacks, lunches, as well as desserts that will help you create healthy habits to achieve a clear mind, a positive attitude, and permanent well-being.

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